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  1. ni9e

    S-05 taking its time

    This is still bubbling away but has dropped during the week to 1011 so as of today its been on the yeast 22 days :hmm: Am I best racking off now to a secondry or leaving as is till its finally finished :wha:
  2. ni9e

    S-05 taking its time

    I have give it a good rousing but have just left it all I could do with the time I had so will see how it is when I get back next week hope it will be ok to leave on the yeast for 3weeks
  3. ni9e

    S-05 taking its time

    How long does it usually take for S-05 yeast to ferment a 1050 brew? I made one on the 9/05/09 took a hydro reading today and its only 1020 plenty of bubbles on the surface and still bubbling through the airlock :wha: I really wanted this to be done by today as I am going on a works training...
  4. ni9e

    New Brewer

    Congratulations :cheers:
  5. ni9e


    7.50 Australian dollars = 3.67556305 British pounds so you pay £3.70 per pack of hops and with the cheap shipping its a good deal :party:
  6. ni9e

    My kind of Stout!

    Looks like a proper stout mine do that all the time I tend to put some plastic tubing in the airlock hole then into a demijohn with half a liter of water in the bottom to catch the escaping foam then replace with a ordinary air lock after 48 hours :thumb:
  7. ni9e

    First Post and First ever brew.

    Welcome to the forum your first question by opening the fermenter lid a tiny biy will do your brew no harm at all :thumb: With not owning a hydrometer i'd just follow instructions and length of time to ferment or invest 2 quid on a hydrometer I'd bottle in two liter plastic bottles the cheap...
  8. ni9e

    My kind of Stout!

    You'll have to let us know how it turns out :D
  9. ni9e

    My kind of Stout!

    Looks like a good un i,m sure it'll turn out a winner :thumb: I like the idea of putting coffee in :hmm:
  10. ni9e

    AC-3 Audio

    What you need to do is find a app that will strip the sound off the film and try and replace with the ac 3 files I think the app you want is virtual dub but if I remember correctly its gonna be worth putting up with the stereo sound track or redownloading the film already with a dolby sound...
  11. ni9e

    Has anyone noticed this

    Don't know if this is just a sick coincidence but.... 2007 - Chinese year of the Chicken - Bird Flu Pandemic devastates parts of Asia 2008 - Chinese year of the Horse - Equine Influenza decimates Australian racing 2009 - Chinese year of the Pig - Swine Flu Pandemic kills hundreds of pigs...
  12. ni9e

    Never Underestimate the Power of the Darkside

    Great video nice use of the Benny Hill theme :thumb:
  13. ni9e

    Easy questions from a newbie

    Sorry I haven't done one of these kits so won't be much help someone will be along soon and set you on the right path :D Ah I see someone has :thumb:
  14. ni9e

    Easy questions from a newbie

    If you carefully peel off the label the destructions are printed on the reverse :thumb:
  15. ni9e

    Batch Sparging

    I'm having a go at batch sparging as I fly sparge with a watering can and with my back being bad I am limited on what I can do so fingers crossed I'll get it right :pray:
  16. ni9e

    Batch Sparging

    Will do i'll have a play and see what happens is there much difference batch or fly sparging
  17. ni9e

    Batch Sparging

    That's the one :thumb: Thanks Vossy do I drain the tun first than add or add then drain?
  18. ni9e

    Batch Sparging

    I'm going to try batch sparging for tomorrows brew but would like some clarification on a couple of points using the batch sparge calculator I get.... These figures are a guestimate at the moment as I'm waiting till the kids are in bed before measuring my mashtun etc Total volume of water...
  19. ni9e

    Dead Space

    Thanks :thumb:
  20. ni9e

    Dead Space

    How would/do I measure the deadspace in my mash tun?