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  1. pith-head

    Turbo yeast flavors

    Hi, i bought a turbo wine yeast and then found out that you have to buy flavors to add to it, I then found out that the flavors are 2 to 3 pound each. The flavors despite their cost only do 75cl so you need 2 flavors to cover 1lt, this to me is bordering on extortion. in fact if you add up the...
  2. pith-head


    Thanks Chippy, i never thought of that, i'm getting old and its now showing. :-D
  3. pith-head


    Could i just ask which sparge tool you use and where you got. Thanks again.
  4. pith-head


    Hi, could any one please tell me how long videne lasts after it has been diluted? I am thinking of when i have to stir the brew daily, when i have to sterilize the paddle every day. Thanks.
  5. pith-head


    Thanks Dads - Ale, i will check that out. Thanks.
  6. pith-head

    How Much Yeast?

    Hi everyone, I am making blackberry wine and i have doubled the amount to 4 gallon. the recipe says to use a packet of port yeast. So do i put two packets of yeast in since i have doubled the amount of blackberries? Thanks
  7. pith-head


    Thanks again guys, i am truly grateful to you both, i'll post back how i get on, but it will be a while though, i am looking to the future somewhat and it will be my first shot at brewing properly as opposed to doing a kit. I will post back with the results when i do it, i believe i may need...
  8. pith-head


    Thanks alby and chastuck, could either of you tell me where i could get some silicon hose? I have never heard of this before, so i am kinda lost with it. Thanks.
  9. pith-head


    Hi, would any one here know if this Blichmann AutoSparge is any good and if it is, would it fit into a plastic brew bin, or in to a plastic brew heat boiler? Here is the link. Thanks.
  10. pith-head

    Pectolase - pectic enzyme

    Thanks for the link Slid, but i went to Wilko to day, the pectolase and yeast nutrient cost me 1.19 each, they might not have been informed of the sale price's or the sale started after i bought my bits. I also got some wine finings while i was there, i cant remember how much that was though...
  11. pith-head

    Pectolase - pectic enzyme

    Thanks for the reply Chippy, yes we do have a boots and Wilko in town, but i did not think they would sell small items like pectolase, but i will certainly give them a try to-morrow. Failing that i will just have to order on line. Thanks again for the advise, i hope i will be able to return the...
  12. pith-head

    Pectolase - pectic enzyme

    Hi every one, could i just ask you guys if Pectolase is the same as pectic enzyme. And if it is, is it still usable after its best before date, in this case a best before date of 2010 And can anyone recommend a good on-line home brew supplier? Thanks.
  13. pith-head

    Best bit of kit ever.....if it works

    Mmmmm, pith-head by name pith-head by nature? :doh: :oops: ... tchen.html
  14. pith-head

    Best bit of kit ever.....if it works

    Take a look at this guys, is this the muts nuts or what?? /
  15. pith-head

    4 kilo kit?

    Thanks everyone for your contributions. :D I will try them all in turn. :D Cheers guys.
  16. pith-head

    4 kilo kit?

    Thanks for your advice guys, I read about the 4 kilo kits in a book by CJJBerry, titled Home Brewed Beers and Stouts. I have a standard muntons larger to do first but i will give the recomended kits a go later. I intend to have a go at brewing from scratch eventually, i have the boiler and mash...
  17. pith-head

    4 kilo kit?

    Hi every one, could i ask if any one here has done a 4 kilo lager or bitter kit? - if so, was it anything special? Thanks.
  18. pith-head

    primary fermenting vessel

    Could anyone please tell me if a 5 gallon fermenting vessel is ok for using as a primary fermenting vessel for 1 gallon of wine, or would it be two big? Or would it be possible to use a demijohn with a cloth over the top of it till the vigorous fermenting slows down? Or what is the best...
  19. pith-head

    Angram Beer engines

    Thanks everyone, your advice is greatly appreciated.
  20. pith-head

    mash tun size

    Thanks again James.