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  1. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Sure is. Still an inch of foam. It's been a crowd pleaser this one.
  2. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    It's a day off for me, so following a hopefully successful Altbeir brewday this morning, a pint of "European Lager" from the Bible...with a bulbous dome of foam which is reaching epic proportions!
  3. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    'Wingman' from Brewdog. Very much their answer to Neck Oil.
  4. RoboBrewBot5000

    Hop selection...

    Hey All, I'm going to brew a user upper RYE IPA and I'm a bit stuck with the hop schedule. Recipe is for approx. OG of 1057 and I'm looking to achieve around 50 IBU... I have about 50g citra, and 100g mosiac...which is fine and good, I see no reason why this wouldn't work well, in a RyePA...
  5. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Camping in the sun and just sent two of these badboys downrange (Paulaner Munchner Hell).
  6. RoboBrewBot5000

    New Member

    Hello and welcome. My advice would be take it at your own pace and get back into the swing of things slowly and surely to avoid potential disappointment. The hobby has evolved quite quickly for me, but I do try and keep it simple as much as I possibly can (primarily I mean, keeping the recipes...
  7. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    I also, tried this 0.5% pale ale, which it must be said, I don't much care for either! It has a rather 'worty' taste which I find some AF beers can have, depending on the way they are brewed.
  8. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    just tried one of these...can't say I'm a fan tbh. Too much artifical HCB spice taste. I'm not even sure they use actually HCBs in this either. Not listed as an ingredient🤔
  9. RoboBrewBot5000


    Good advice but I'd then have to remove the false bottom which would be a problem unless I drain off the wort first. Hopefully I've addressed the problem sufficiently in any case.
  10. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    Munich Helles. A possible competition entry if my German pilsner doesn't cut it.
  11. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    A big old mug of Amstel.
  12. RoboBrewBot5000


    Hey all, just to close out this thread, I thought I'd post an update. I seem to have solved my problem, which was I think probably caused y a number of factors. Note, this is for a BIAB set up using the Klarstein Fullhorn. I now put the false bottom in pre mash. When mashing is done, I then...
  13. RoboBrewBot5000

    Spotless water

    I'd planned to start using spotless for lagers so I can build a good profile.. spotless is 0TDS and they do mention brewing on the website I think. To the best of my knowledge it is RO. I know of several others who have gone down this route. I am yet to actually try it
  14. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    It's about 4.5%. It is very clear, thank you. I don't fine, I just bottle condition. I seem to be able to get my lagers to drop really clear, which obviously I'm pretty happy about!
  15. RoboBrewBot5000

    What are you drinking tonight 2023.

    AMERICAN light Lager, brewed back in Feb....i have patience and although its not my favourite style, im glad i gave it a try.
  16. RoboBrewBot5000

    LOVE Brewing " Limited Edition Kist" Giveaway!

    Lowenbran Lager The Lions Choice: It was sold it must be good!
  17. RoboBrewBot5000

    Competition Schedule 2023

    I plan on brewing this crystal clear PILSNER, so heres to success!
  18. RoboBrewBot5000

    Competition Schedule 2023

    My thoughts, actually, I agree with this. Good to hear there's people doing well with their standard water.
  19. RoboBrewBot5000

    Competition Schedule 2023

    Quick Question regarding competition brews. I have brewed quite a few lagers, so good, some not so good. Generally, my trajectory with lagers is good, and I seem to be making some pretty nice beers. My question is: as I don't currently adjust my water chemistry, am I likely to well brewing a...