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  1. GlentoranMark

    Beer and global warming.

    You're getting local weather patterns mixed up with Global Warming. I've said (I think about 10 years ago but it's on the net somewhere) that burning fossil fuels isn't the problem, populating the planet is. By all means turn your heating up to full blast in this warm weather but stop having...
  2. GlentoranMark

    Beer and global warming.

    Sea ice melting makes the oceans rise, HTH also warmer water is less dense than cold water so this will have an effect.
  3. GlentoranMark

    Beer and global warming.

    We all know that things in moderation are fine while things in excess are bad (drink beer anyone?) It took the planet hundreds of millions of years to bury all that carbon in the form of fossil fuels while in the past 100 years we've just released a lot of it. Even without knowing the science...
  4. GlentoranMark

    Clear Beer Draught System

    I'm in 2 minds for this product. Surely when you draw up your first beer from a Corny, you remove most of the yeast that has settled to the bottom? I think we all strive for clear beer but I'm not sure this product is the answer. I would like to try it but maybe not for £50. Also...
  5. GlentoranMark

    All Grain Brewing for an Absolute Beginner?

    Wish I'd have discovered Clibit's thread sooner. If I had to do it over I'd buy one of those Coopers bitter kits and then move to AG ASAP. Stove tops are a great way to get started (it was my first AG) but it can get smelly and it's just as easy to do 20L as it is to do 5L. Smaller batches is...
  6. GlentoranMark

    Burco boiler based all-in-one brew system build

    Looks ideal, I've bookmarked that. I know it can takes weeks to arrive but I'm in no rush to build. Thanks for the link.
  7. GlentoranMark

    40 year old kit - Would you?

    ^^^ This was what I was going to say but Johnnyboy explained it more eloquently than I could. No, I wouldn't brew it but it would take pride of place in any bar I'd built. It's something to show your friends, not waste in the hope it's drinkable.
  8. GlentoranMark

    Anybody built their own pub ? :)

    Yeah, about 12 x 8 or 14 x 10 is the biggest I could go but I've thought about using an enclosed Gazebo for extra space in warmer weather and serving from a side hatch. I'm on that Pub Sheds Facebook page for ideas and everyone says build as big as you can. Nifex in West Belfast apparently...
  9. GlentoranMark

    Anybody built their own pub ? :)

    What size is your shed Lawrence? I'd love a shed after my son gets married, maybe next year.
  10. GlentoranMark

    Burco boiler based all-in-one brew system build

    Something like this? What about connections? I'm thinking about putting my pump onto this for recirculation and sparging and using the tap already fitted for draining the wort.
  11. GlentoranMark

    Burco boiler based all-in-one brew system build

    Hi mate, very nice build. I've rigged a 12v pump up to my Peco Boiler for recirculation but I'm wondering what parts you got for your ball valve tap and (more importantly) what size of hole did you have to drill? I once ruined a mashtun build by drilling the wrong size of hole (I'm not great...
  12. GlentoranMark

    Best Beer Podcast...?

    I only knew about the Beersmith Podcast but that Brulosophy seems to be more up my street. Thanks.
  13. GlentoranMark

    Congratulations to the England under 20s

    I don't want to pour cold water guys but I hope it's not another 51 years hearing about this :) Well done though, shame on the Beeb for not showing the trophy presentation.
  14. GlentoranMark

    running out of meat

    At least you get one of your 5 a day from the grains in beer :thumb:
  15. GlentoranMark

    running out of meat

    We have a local butchers who advertise on Facebook and deliver all over NI. They are extremely cheap and quality is top notch, we bulk buy from them and freeze everything. (Kanes family butchers)
  16. GlentoranMark

    Wilko's £10 Amazon voucher for £50.01 spend

    Spotted this on Hotukdeals and thought it was a good deal seeing the Woodforde kits are reduced. Today only BTW
  17. GlentoranMark

    Can a Conservative and DUP pact work?

    IIRC it was the time when there was a massive riot at the Short Strand interface when I wrote to her because I live locally and was affected by it. It annoyed me that other politicians (from both sides) went to the interface but she didn't even give an interview on the situation, it got me...
  18. GlentoranMark

    Can a Conservative and DUP pact work?

    I just totally disagree with the direction Alliance have taken. 20 years ago I voted Alliance because of their neutral stance, now like many fellow Unionists we see our identity whittled away and the Alliance have been part of that reason. I've usually voted UUP but this election I voted DUP...
  19. GlentoranMark

    Can a Conservative and DUP pact work?

    I emailed our then MP Naomi Long (the one I voted out) about her absence from our constituency. I did notice she had gone AWOL on important local issues. In fairness her secretary wrote back to me straight away but about a week later I got a detailed email which I must dig out which said she...
  20. GlentoranMark

    Can a Conservative and DUP pact work?

    Utter rubbish, MP's fly daily from NI to London just like the Scottish MP's.