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  1. ThreeSheets

    Cloudy after fermentation? All grain troubleshooting

    In my defence, my wife is due to give birth in a couple of weeks so I had to rush a little bit this time... I think she'd kill me if I was bottling beer on paternity leave! I really like that rule - I'll take it into account next time. Is it exclusively for time spent in the FV or do the weeks...
  2. ThreeSheets

    Cloudy after fermentation? All grain troubleshooting

    I don't have any equipment to cold crash unfortunately. If it does start clear up I'll let you guys know. I've got one sample in a clear bottle to keep track.
  3. ThreeSheets

    Cloudy after fermentation? All grain troubleshooting

    It very much looks like the bottom, but it's really the whole thing cloudy. As per this photo (in my old FV I use to mix in the dextrose before bottling): I lifted it onto a high shelf the 24hr beforehand to allow any trub to settle - but the trub barely moved - so I'm guessing it didn't mix...
  4. ThreeSheets

    Cloudy after fermentation? All grain troubleshooting

    Hi folks, I was wondering if someone could lend a hand with troubleshooting on cloudiness here. I used irish moss (super moss), I used immersion cooling, I filtered with nylon netting during transfer to the wort. It came out clear before pitching the yeast as below shows: Bottled it after 2...
  5. ThreeSheets

    Hop Pellet Storage without vacuum?

    That's pretty good, the information in a few articles I've seen always gives the impression that leftovers degrade a lot quicker than they actually do without a full vaccuum
  6. ThreeSheets

    Hop Pellet Storage without vacuum?

    That's exactly what I'll do, probably coupled with the straw, great idea !!
  7. ThreeSheets

    Hop Pellet Storage without vacuum?

    Hi folks, I'm going to have an excess of hop pellets after my brew, but I don't have any vaccuum packing equipment. I'll probably use the rest in about 4-6 months. Is there any quick storage fix to keep the remaining pellets or are they better chucking/cooking? I could also buy a cheap vaccuum...
  8. ThreeSheets

    brewing getting popular!!

    These be hard times in a triple dip UK economy... People make do and mend to save money. Why buy everyday beer when you can make your own cheaper? Only it's not "make do and mend" in this century since its so easy to get cheap equipment and knowledge for any venture these days. I'd say, it's...
  9. ThreeSheets

    Resurrecting a brew

    Hi All, Was just wondering if it's at all possible to bring back a brew from the dead? I used a friends plastic pressure keg recently and the lever tap seal isn't very stable on it; had de-pressurise and reseal it twice now due to leakage, as a result it's getting stale: Is it possible to add a...
  10. ThreeSheets

    Wilko pressure keg

    I've been using a wilko's FV for a while. Their FV is far better than their buckets and barrels that's for sure. It's a worthy investment because at the end of its use you're going to get micron size scratches from cleaning the FV that'll ruin your brew.. the price allows you to part with it easily.
  11. ThreeSheets

    Wild hops found!

    I guess that's what you'll expect with most of the wild ones. Was worth a shot though! At least you got yourself a free source right there :thumb:
  12. ThreeSheets

    Brewing at low temperatures

    Thanks LeedsBrewer, I did go to Morley Homebrew to get some more equipment recently, nice place! I have the Belgian brew in my barrel now, it recently pushed the lever tap seal out of place; very bothersome and probably still fermenting.
  13. ThreeSheets

    Brewing at low temperatures

    Hello all, I recently moved house and now I have a Belgian Ale my FV in a 16-18oC area. I'm used to brewing at 21oC and I was wondering what are the effects of doing this: Will my brew taste different fermenting at colder temperatures? Will I have to wait significantly longer to siphon? (eg I...
  14. ThreeSheets

    Specific Gravity vs. Time

    Thanks for your comments, I think we can tackle it quite simply from a mechanical point of view as opposed to looking to hard at the chemistry: If we know the diameter of our airlock and the path the carbon dioxide before it expels through the liquid inside the airlock. Every time this...
  15. ThreeSheets

    Wilko pressure keg

    I've got a wilko's keg (me and the rest of the UK) and I actually prefer it to my ballihoo one even though they're pretty similar. The small hole in the lid is probably a safety precaution so it pierces to remove pressure, in-case you do do something crazy like put champagne in it and shake it...
  16. ThreeSheets

    Have I ruined my brew??

    I was pretty excited about using all the equipment when I started, the anxiety will disappear quite quickly. My advice now is not to over-seal the pressure barrel now you've got the brew in. I used a friends pressure vessel recently and the o-ring was distorted from too much force, it can let...
  17. ThreeSheets

    clearing cider

    Welcome, When you racked the brew did you let the vessel sit in the same place for a day beforehand? If you let it shake around before siphoning you may have unsettled the yeast at the bottom of the vessel and let a fair proportion siphon through (that normally makes it cloudy, it's no...
  18. ThreeSheets

    Have I ruined my brew??

    There's nothing wrong with letting a few bubbles through, you may have "broke the seal" a few times by exposing it to the air but it really won't make much of a difference. I suggest siphoning with a friend so they bottle and you can view where the wand is in the brew. Hope your first one is a...
  19. ThreeSheets

    Specific Gravity vs. Time

    I'd imagine someone in Psychrometry might be able to help you with that. There's plenty of information on brewing but I can never seem to find any graphs of trends etc. If I had the equipment I'd quite like to put my brew on an electric scale and connect it up to LabVIEW with the weight...
  20. ThreeSheets

    Specific Gravity vs. Time

    Hello all, Just wondering if anybody has seen or plotted a graph of specific gravity over time during primary fermentation before. Quite interested to see if it directly relates to the exponential growth of yeast and co2 expulsion etc. I'd also be interested to know how it varies between...