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  1. ni9e

    Hot/cold break

    Hi Guys my hop strainer came off the tap during the boil and as a result even though I seived the wort going in to the FV it is full of break gunk :( Will this have any detremental effect on the finished beer and should I just leave it to ferment naturally? Thanks
  2. ni9e

    Brewing again this weekend Update

    Brew boiling away nicley first hops added and the smell is amazing :party:
  3. ni9e

    Schnieder Weisse ish 13/03/2010 + pics update

    Have a good day :thumb:
  4. ni9e

    Brewing again this weekend Update

    Mash on 08:15 weighing out hops ready and hoping the camera hurries up and charges :pray:
  5. ni9e

    Brewing again this weekend Update

    I can't get US-05 to clear and Brewdog use yeast similar to nottingham yeast thats why I picked it :D
  6. ni9e

    Brewing again this weekend Update

    Hey Guys after months of working long long hours and weekends I finally have a weekend off :party: After reading Dunfie's King Robert IPA thread I'm going to attempt a Punk IPA clone of my own I have had to use Pacific Gem hops as I forgot to order Challenger and the Pacifics is the only other...
  7. ni9e

    King Robert IPA - 05-03-10

    Your 0min hops did you throw them in at flame out or let them steep from 80c? I'm gonna brew this next weekend just gotta get some chinook hops :thumb:
  8. ni9e

    Guinness clone anyone?

    If its Guinness your after then you can't go wrong with Genius :D The recipie is not my own but from a former forum member 3.75 kg Pale Malt, Maris Otter 1.00 kg Flaked Barley 500g Roasted Barley Northern Brewer hops to 34IBU if you can't get Northern Brewer then substitute for Northdown...
  9. ni9e

    HD freesat receiver help required

    Vossy here is the link to freeview HD New HD freeview boxes are due out now and and HD recorder boxes due out later in the month so if I were you i'd wait for the ones you can record on and just to clarify HD is brodcast at 720p on...
  10. ni9e

    What is your brewery made from?

    Mines all plastic it makes great beer its light and easy to store and easier to modify than Stainless steel :D
  11. ni9e

    my beer has got too cold

    If it has fermented before you put it in a pressurised keg it'll be fine have a pint and see if it is ok ;)
  12. ni9e

    Brew day no 2

    Nice idea on the spares looks like you had a good day :thumb:
  13. ni9e

    First brew - Woodfordes Wherry

    Insignificant my a*%e as a all grain brewer I have just made one of these kits and tucked it up for its fermentation from what I have tasted they make a very nice pint just as good if not better than pub beer :party: And because you made it yourself it will be the best beer you've tasted :thumb:
  14. ni9e

    Sterile bottles

    I do that everytime I bottle my cider kits and have also put beer in them in an emergency bottling situation I never sterilised them just poured out the water primed and filled them up and I,ve never had a problem :thumb: one word of caution though store the bottles in the dark as with them...
  15. ni9e

    Having a bad day?

  16. ni9e

    Brew your own magazine

    £30.00 is a bit much as I only want one magazine
  17. ni9e

    Brew your own magazine

    No Wez newsagents cant get it ive asked and borders has gone into liquidation so no go there either but there must be somwhere in the UK that stocks it :pray:
  18. ni9e

    Brew your own magazine

    Any of you guys know where in uk stocks this magazine?
  19. ni9e

    Bacon or Beer can

  20. ni9e

    Stove advice
