Search results for query: pinter

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  1. Rotation

    A complete surprise!

    Having purchased a Pinter due to the fact it was cheap, with the exception of the instruction to fill it with water from the cold tap? (I used water at 23c) I threw all the contents of the kit into the pinter and let it do its thing whatever that was. To my complete amazement the photo above is...
  2. Rotation

    Equipment Wanted Pinter

    Yes its the Pinter 3 with the new tap.
  3. stubrewworx

    What did you brew today?

    Pale ale / best bitter. As this was going in the Pinter, I tried the hop pellets loose in the kettle. Won't be doing that again!
  4. Druss


    I'm a huge fan of organic milk rather than the standard stuff, I can comfortably get through a four pinter in the space of a few hours. The only issue I have with it, is when it goes south or even just starts to turn, it doesn't go obviously lumpy like the regular stuff but rather gradually...
  5. 531Man

    What are you drinking tonight 2024.

    Excellent choice of dish tonight - and always!
  6. Northern_Brewer

    How has it taken them this long?

    Not surprisingly, hopped malt extract was very popular during Prohibition in the US : Pinter seems to have gained a little bit of traction over there, so it's not surprising that "real" homebrew stores are starting to offer their own kits. One disincentive over there of course is their...
  7. Rotation

    Equipment Wanted Pinter

    On offer at Tesco for £79 complete Pinter kit + IPA beer kit!
  8. stubrewworx

    Pinters with own wort

    ...the space and I like the flexibility of bottling. I only brew 6l batches and can hold 36 bottles, so 3 batches on the go. My own original Pinter sprung a leak, presumably due to pressure and an eBay Pinter wasn't very clean... I think liquid can get through the vents and into the void...
  9. stubrewworx

    Equipment Wanted Pinter

    I checked online but they didn't have them. Maybe in store only. Is it pinter 3?
  10. F

    Pinter kit brew need help please

    Hi all Iv got a Pinter and was wondering if I was to mix muntons tap room lazy days IPA then putting it in the Pinter to brew would this work. This is my 1st time in brewing Thank you
  11. foxy

    Braumeister 500 litre.

    If fresh wort kits became the popular way to have your own beer at home I wonder how long it would take for a government to bring in legislation to tax either the retailer or the purchaser?
  12. Branny

    Equipment Wanted Pinter

    I've got about P1s with docks and Co Pinters without docks. I'm based in Chorley if you're anywhere near?
  13. bitter

    Tetley's Cask - Recipe?

    Hello all, I'm new to the forum and to the world of homebrewing. I have 2 Pinter kits bought for me as a Christmas present and I'm going to brew a few batches of their Ancestor ale (bitter is my favourite beer style), and then once I have confidence, buy some proper kit. I would be really...
  14. R

    What Extract kit

    Hiya John I’ve just started using the Muntons craft your extracts and I’ve made a leffe clone that was very good. I’m a big fan of proper job and I’m contemplating trying to do a clone with these extracts using two cans of hopped pale which should give you a good level of bitterness using so4...
  15. C

    new member

    Hi all, new here. Several years "brewing" using the Pinter kit gave me some skills but now moved to Brewzilla all-rounder to expand my repertoire and getting into all grain. Done several partial grain brews successfully so far, now the next step to all-grainacheers.
  16. Stu

    How has it taken them this long?

    As an aside, they do actually have 230v. It's a little bit convoluted - they split it into two. But they do have 230v feeds to for larger items like washing machines, cookers and even EVs. Whilst it's complicated, there were benefits to it when people used to mostly use low power devices. In...
  17. Rotation

    Totally and utterly it had been ram raided. Total of four beer kits on offer, three bottles of campden tablets, four 1K bags of brewing sugar and 1 demijon? Pinter has no internal heater. I also cheated and filled the pinter with 23c water which by the time I had added the malt extract was down to 18.5c...
  18. homebrewdev

    Keg fermenters? What to look at?

    What happened to the Pinter? I saw couple on sale for cheap recently. I would first decide whether you want to go steel or plastic. That gonna narrow in my opinion the search. Do you want see the fermentation happening or not really.... If you had Pinter probably something around 10litres? How...
  19. I

    MiniBrew Smart Beer Machine? Anyone has experience with it?

    ...problem. The app makes it seem so easy, but it just doesn't work. Two packs wasted and a whole load of time wasted too. The support folk are very nice, but it's busted IMO. Going back to Pinter that produced some of the best homebrew I've ever had. Great shame as Minibrew seemed so perfect...