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  1. ElvisIsBeer

    UKIP has a new leader

    UKIP are a perversion, less a political party than an ulcer, gnawing at our our basest fears and instincts, and offering nothing in terms of coherent policy. No depth, and no breadth. They're a tin monkey banging on a broken drum in the dankest corner of a derelict outhouse, distant from...
  2. ElvisIsBeer

    Here we go again

    Yep - I think after a while we'll think the Blair 'dodgy dossier' thing was a bit quaint. Trump doesn't need or even want to see evidence (even sexed up). He's beleaguered at home, mocked everywhere. He needs a good war to boost his ratings. A bit like Maggie did. Having said that. I...
  3. ElvisIsBeer

    Here we go again

    I expect the average Russian liver would laugh in the face of our puny alcopops. Where's Nelson Mandela when you need him....
  4. ElvisIsBeer

    Here we go again

    Mentioning Bosnia doesn't automatically negate someone else’s point of view about the possible strategic significance of a conflict in another part of the world, does it? Something being strategically significant, possibly relating to our need for fossil fuels, doesn't necessarily boil down to...
  5. ElvisIsBeer

    Here we go again

    what are you suggesting then? Strikes on Russia?
  6. ElvisIsBeer

    Brewdays at Graceland

    Me too. It just went a bit random in the heat of the moment. It might have been more or less. I just thought, I could take the scales in now and weigh what's left.....that'll sort it once and for all. The sweetness wasn't overly pronounced either, but the bitterness was pretty great...
  7. ElvisIsBeer

    Brewdays at Graceland

    Couldn't resist checking today. Down from 1.042 to 1.014 (3.68%) - 66% attenuation. Will leave for another week. Lots of settled material on the bottom of the FV. Clear pale ale. Tasted sweet then bitter. Nice. Will leave 1 more wk. Will rack before bottling.
  8. ElvisIsBeer

    Here we go again

    at any cost? is it just giving someone a bloody nose?
  9. ElvisIsBeer

    Here we go again

  10. ElvisIsBeer

    Here we go again

    So will this generate a **** storm for May as great as Blair stirred up........assuming you blame individuals?
  11. ElvisIsBeer

    What's the 1 bit of advice you wish someone had given you, which you'd pass on to a new brewer?

    Svenito's comment struck a chord with me too. I've read loads of brew day commentaries but nothing so succinct as 1+1=6. Planning and organising your brew day so that it doesn't impede upon family commitments, isn't perceived as a selfish retreat to the "man space" means being realistic about...
  12. ElvisIsBeer

    Donald Trump

    Pretty much on the money. The one potential positive is that his wildcard aspect introduces a variable that shakes the status quo, but only if the negotiated outcomes are considered and well-judged. If the bluster leads to negotiated settlements with NK I'll be surprised, but pleased. Trying...
  13. ElvisIsBeer

    CloneBrews, 2nd Edition: Recipes for 200 Commercial Beers at Amazon (Kindle) - £1.58

    inspired by this i bought a 2nd hand (ancient) paperback copy of this guide for about £2 good, on the bog reading :thumb: The 'croning'* can come later. *10 bonus points for the film reference
  14. ElvisIsBeer

    Donald Trump

    Thank you for qualifying that...
  15. ElvisIsBeer

    Donald Trump

    voting conservative doesn't make you a tory being a tory doesn't make you a twot
  16. ElvisIsBeer

    Donald Trump

    stuff like that
  17. ElvisIsBeer

    Donald Trump

    lies vanity stupidity recklessness corruption umpteen allegations of sexual assault "grab them by the pussy" boffed a porn star while playing God-fearing card hypocrite failure vainglorious blowhard lazy economically illiterate dangerous incompetent narcissist immature