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  1. David Woods

    My First All Grain!

    Thanks all - and I forgot to mention, whilst pre cleaning the AIO I turned the pump on not realising the return tap was open spraying the kitchen with - admittedly - clean water! Right now all of my cock ups are out of the way I can look forward to better brew days - I hope :rolleyes:
  2. David Woods

    My First All Grain!

    Thanks Clarence, Whilst it was stressful, in a way I also enjoyed it - not sure the wife enjoyed the language though! The thing I was most concerned about was a boil over but no probs. Hopefully the beer will be drinkable!
  3. David Woods

    My First All Grain!

    Well finally got around to doing it! and had a very major issue! very stressful! Firstly when I was about to do it I got Covid - great start so I delayed. Then I delayed further as we are prone to power cuts here and it started getting windy which usually brings on an outage. Then eventually...
  4. David Woods

    No Chill in Cube Question

    So just done my first all grain and used a cube - before I did I checked the volume and the 20l cubes I bought held just over 25l so perfect for me. These cubes didn't really sag and they seemed fine - I transferred straight after the boil with no issues the next morning it was down to 22deg...
  5. David Woods

    My First All Grain!

    Yes sorry - going to try a hoppy IPA - recipe given to me by a very kind person on the forum. More concerned about a possible boil over! Going the All in one route. I will report back and may even have a link to a video! Boil over won't be included though. The wife doesn't know what all the...
  6. David Woods

    My First All Grain!

    So going for it after many weeks of deliberating! How many of you felt like this?? One good thing is the beer I will drink whilst stressing out! Thank you to all that have helped, advised and encouraged. Wish me luck Dave
  7. David Woods

    Salifert Ca Test Kit Changed - Help

    Hi yes PM me and I will send the sample - this is a bit out of my scope as I am very new, not even done my first all grain yet! I was just trying to get in the ball park - if you could detail how to do this? I will give it a go. I only have tap water here. Dave
  8. David Woods

    Salifert Ca Test Kit Changed - Help

    This is the post I saw - there were a few others saying the same - maybe I should just send this kit back to them! Dave
  9. David Woods

    Salifert Ca Test Kit Changed - Help

    Hi PeeBee, That is very generous of you but I am so busy I wouldn't have time to do anything this week - I could have got the wife to send it but she is travelling this week. Maybe the next time? thanks for the offer. Dave
  10. David Woods

    Salifert Ca Test Kit Changed - Help

    Attached the instructions for the new 2 bottle kit that came from Amazon - use by date of 2028. It may be a lot simpler - I found a Youtube video showing how to use the "new" kit. But following the comment of someone on the Strange Steve thread apparently you have to ignore the instruction...
  11. David Woods

    Salifert Ca Test Kit Changed - Help

    Hi, Having read Strange Steve's guide to water treatment I bought the kits he suggested - the kit for KH/Alk worked fine but his instructions showed the Ca kit with 3 bottles - mine only has 2 and I understand that's how they are now. So anyone worked out how to do this test with the new kit...
  12. David Woods

    No Chill in Cube Question

    So the all grain journey is about to start and at the moment I am going to no chill in a cube until later when I hope to arrange something else. The question is if I am going to do a brew day my plan is to actually create 2 brews and store them both in cubes then ferment one after the other thus...
  13. David Woods

    Simple Water Treatment for an Idiot!

    Thanks for additional info and for all the other input - this is a perfect start for me I can then start learning more and hopfully make some drinkable beers - can't wait as I now have my all in one and just need to gather the ingredients and make a (nervous) start. Anyone wants to try one -...
  14. David Woods

    Simple Water Treatment for an Idiot!

    Hi All, Thanks all for the help/advice and suggestions - it did get a bit more intense than I had thought and whilst I wasn't expecting a magic bullet I did get some great stuff. As I said at the start I do intend to get into this more as I go along. I have bought some test kits which I think...
  15. David Woods

    Simple Water Treatment for an Idiot!

    OK MashBag here goes: Shop - Tesco Express TN33 0BN Water Co - Southeast Water Intrigued as to what may happen! Dave
  16. David Woods

    Simple Water Treatment for an Idiot!

    Hi all, I am about to start my all grain journey and I want to deal with my water! I have read quite a lot about the subject but as I am at the start I want to do something simple to improve my water until I can progress. My kit brews were OK but I think they had what I would call an...
  17. David Woods

    Should I use out of date kit extract

    Hi All, with the help of some very kind members here I am about to start on my all grain journey with an all in one. Thing is I find I have a couple of Munton's Pilsner kits which are a year over use by - 5/22. They have been kept in a cool dark place and being ever so slightly tight I...
  18. David Woods

    to BIAB from kits

    Managed to convince the wife it's a good idea to go this way of brewing - which wasn't easy as she doesn't drink! so look out for my results Anyone got the Brew Monk all in one as it looks pretty good. Cheers Dave
  19. David Woods

    to BIAB from kits

    Thanks Sandimass, I will look into that as an option. Cheers Dave
  20. David Woods

    to BIAB from kits

    Thanks Benfleet, that's a great offer which I would like to take up. How do I PM here - is it secure? Cheers Dave