That gaget looks professionally made, it must have cost a fortune for a firm to tool up and make such.
How can the ordinary 'man in the street' make one?
I always dry hop with 50 to 100 gas depending.
I have just dry hopped Northdown for the first time, 5 days in the second 5 days of ferment. Another week in bottle should clear, then I will taste to see if I put in too many gems. Will let you know.
Grenades, Yes. You have used circa double the necessary priming sugar. When I prime 5 uk, gallons in a barrel, i use the rule of thumb, that is 1/2 oz for each gallon, so 2.5 ozs, (71gms)
I r
Dried Malt extract, I work off 40 points per pound per UK gallon. 5 lbs in 5 uk gallons (23 litres) willattenuate to 75% to 80%, giving FG of 1010 to 1008 respectively. ( I use 'Nottingham' yeast)
Hello, As you may know, the graph for alcohol content is not linear. therefore the multiplying factor for increasing gravity drops changes. ie, for Gravity drops of between 26.2 and 36 points, you use a multiplying factor of .129. for gravity drops between 36.1 and 46.5, you use factor .130...
Too right, I clean the sink out, sterilize it, fill with hot water, Starsan my hands and the bags and the scissors, squash the extract out ,use fingers etc. but there is a loss still in the pouch. Tins are better.
Yes Paul, I have noticed the same, they may have taken the priming sugar into account though?
Also the fermentability of their malt ,given the type or strength( attenuation capabilities) of yeast that comes with the kit. Sometimes I have used a different yeast and noticed a higher FG. Apart from...
You are perfectly correct in your method hoppyscotty. marbles in . with the bag tied to be removed after the 5 days. If you go longer than 5, then 'grassy' can start.
The things that determine the FG of your brew are 1 yes the amount fermentable sugars that the kit contains and also the amount of unfermentables present in it., and 2 the volume of water that you are using.You have increased the volume of water by circa a fifth, your alcohol content on your...