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  1. Worf

    Good Evening!

    Welcome to the wise and crazy bunch. They're good advisors as long as you're talkin' about brewing. 😏
  2. Worf

    How long have you been brewing for?

    Been at it 11 years. Mostly kits, although I intermittently experiment with random ingredient hunts. Will likely try AG once I've really retired (If that ever happens) or when someone sends me the winning lottery ticket.
  3. Worf

    What did you do today?

    Sounds like a brilliant day out, we've got the heating on here. It was great. Don't be too jealous. This is after all the desert. Mid 30s at night, last few daily highs in low 70s. Within the week we'll be back into the mid-50s for daily highs. (Of course July-August is all >100). Yet...
  4. Worf

    What did you do today?

    What did you do today? It asks... With a day promising to peak in the high 70s (°F), i decided to it the road with my Patriot Guard Riders bike group to attend a memorial service for a veteran called to rest. Outstanding 1.5hr ride, 30min service, 2hr lunch, & 1.5hr ride back. The service was...
  5. Worf

    Going back to kits...

    When I first started, the only supplier in town (Indiana) had Brewer's Best which didn't use pre-hopped extracts. The also sold ingredients in bulk. The kits included all necessities: both types of extracts, various hops, yeast, bottle caps, etc. Yes, a steep one of grains before adding...
  6. Worf

    Going back to kits...

    I must admit, I've only done 'kits' since i started 10+ years ago, but it wasn't until recently that I even heard about LME that includes hops. I question if the flavors of those extracts that come pre-hoped are true to the effect of the hop? The commercially compiled kits I've used have always...
  7. Worf

    Show us your cat

    Judging from where it is handling, I imagine Dexter expects you to feed him in bed? We tried one for our Maestro designed to hang on a window. The mounting hardware wasn't strong enough for his 14#s.
  8. Worf

    Newbie Incoming!

    Welcome. Your in the right place for starting up. I've been being for 10 years & still using extracts, but found these folks recently after relocated to as place with water issues. I don't new as much as i like mainly due to lack of storage space for bottles. LOL My undergrad is engineering...
  9. Worf

    Whatever Happened to Water Beds?

    Actually, on this side of the pond anyway, they would. At least the multi family complexes. Better than many of the older places over here. But the rental insurers finally figured out there was $$$ in water bed tenants.
  10. Worf

    Whatever Happened to Water Beds?

    Had one 1983-2005. A basic unbaffled water balloon in 'standard waterbed pedestal frame'. Sidn't really find maintenance any worse that an inner spring although properly fitting sheets were a pain to find. Set up was cumbersome with the house and all, putt teardown was easy is long as it was...
  11. Worf

    Secret Santa Reviews 2020!

    Not sure about international, but mailing 'non taxed/unlicensed' alcohol is frowned upon in may places
  12. Worf

    Secret Santa Reviews 2020!

    We used ta call'em "Gmen", but that's so antiquated now. Government folks
  13. Worf

    Secret Santa Reviews 2020!

    While I'm making my forum noises.... This Secret Santa Review thing is cool. I just wish i was in-country so i could participate. Yet, i don't think the g-folk would approve of sending/receiving alcohol stuff internationally. <-sigh->
  14. Worf


    LOL. I really dislike phone keyboards and fat fingers. But I still give Thanks to God, even for people who grade my posts. 😁
  15. Worf


    Well at least I'm not the only one here who have recognition to the gift we were all given two millinia ago. The congregation i serve celebrated a Lessons & Carols service as well. Today will be spent mostly with my beloved (& our sons on 'zoom' for a bit). Its a slow day for a pastor. A...
  16. Worf

    Positive only thread.

    My beloved has had a year of successes. Completed her Master's, passed three national accredited exams and received her Enrolled Agent accreditation from the US Internal Revenue Service, obtained her first full time position in 30yrs, and found out yesterday she has passed her first of five...
  17. Worf

    Wort Chiller - Is it really necessary?

    I was gifted a copper chiller when i started 10 yrs ago and used it every batch. However, while living in California, the tap water was was too warm to help much, so i stopped. With the exception of clarity problems and having to move indoors (A/C) during the summer, i had no problems. Now...
  18. Worf

    Am I doing something wrong - autosiphon?

    Not sure what you gentlemen do to your autosiphons, but I've been using the same one I started with over 8 years ago. Although i must admit it's now got a crack that will see it replaced. Of course, I don't beat the kids or the dog with it. 🤠
  19. Worf

    Ideal drinking temperature?

    Definitely not alone. This is one reason I started brewing at home. Blasted American main-line beers taste like s#*t when their not served almost frozen. Sad party is, many of my friends can't get past the lack of frosted mugs to enjoy a good break. 😔
  20. Worf

    Hello from California

    Greetings. Only been here (this forum) for a few months. Was in Sacramento Cty for 5 yrs before coming to AZ desert be at the beginning of March. Married to a Brit, regular trips over to the UK have me an appreciation for English bitters, but having a German influence in my pedigree enjoy...