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  1. Bzee

    How many litres of home brew have you made 2023.

    8837 this year's cider just bottled 35 litres from scrumptious apples borrowed from the highways and bye ways
  2. Bzee

    16.58% ABV Barrel Aged Imperial Stout - Cromarty Brewing Co. Anniversary XI clone recipe

    I was at the brewery last week and picked up a bottle - cromaty wise. Not sure if i should drink it or just look at it. Anyone cloned it yet. Took 9 hours to drive there so wont be going back soonish.
  3. Bzee

    Coconut sugar

    I like the idea of stout what about useing it to prime bottles maybe get more coconut flavour that way
  4. Bzee

    Help sexing hop

    Doesnt look like any of my cascade hops i grow so wrong sex I think.
  5. Bzee

    Kits I Wouldn't Brew Again

    Maybe 15 years ago I did a brewferm raspberry kit that I'm still traumatised by
  6. Bzee

    Order of Events: Counterflow chilling, whirlpooling, transferring

    My order of events is after the boil I give the wort in my kettle a circular stir, trub settles into centre, wort is then drained into an old milk churn which then gets put in a large plastic bucket of cold water.
  7. Bzee

    An unusual question, just to stir your brains

    If we get back on topic we were talking about homebrewers measuring what goes into thier brew. How does a home brewer accurately measure IBU'S do you trust the AA% on the packet, maybe some oxidation while they were on some unrefridgerated home brew shops shelf has increased their bitterness...
  8. Bzee

    An unusual question, just to stir your brains

    I know a bit about how IBUs work which is why i called them bogus. Oxidation of alpha acids and peoples perception getting in the way etc. Plus the batteries went on my mass spectrometer and I never got new ones.
  9. Bzee

    An unusual question, just to stir your brains

    I disagree with comment above about needing data for consistency. I touch, smell and often taste my ingredients, saucepan and tun. I rarely use scales and never use a hydrometer any more. I've made my version of an American pale over 100 times now, the results are pretty consistent.
  10. Bzee

    Lazy fermentation – Should I pitch a new yeast pack?

    Does fv feel warmer than ambient temp my brews do for first 24 hours after pitching if alls going well.
  11. Bzee

    Equipment For Sale Complete Homebrewing Kit for Sale - Outstanding quality and well cared for

    Well I'd have the thermo pot if you did and would love to pick over the rest but honestly I got hop spiders and stuff already
  12. Bzee

    An unusual question, just to stir your brains

    the difference between dry and wet grain weight would give you the amount of water absorbed
  13. Bzee


    I'm a true believer of the wobblygob range of cider kits bought one when supplies of of my own hand pressed cider ran out and hardly noticed the transition.
  14. Bzee

    Bottling day help

    I get 40 grolsch bottles and a hop spider to fit into the dishwasher put it on a 1 hour 55 c cycle. Come back add the sterilised bottle tops. Put hop spider in fv with syphon and fill bottles up with beer and prime with a funnel and spoon. Takes under an hour from when the dishy beeps to say...
  15. Bzee

    Ace, Klarstein, BrewMonk BrewDevil adding a Heating Element

    I gave up on electric brewing when my second boiler had the element go. Both lasted under 100 brews each and were unfixable according to next door who used to have an electrical business. The elements curved round the outside. Saucepans are not so high maintenance mines lasted yonks now but I...
  16. Bzee

    Help with fruit beer

    I put 2 kilo of funkin pro passion fruit puree in a 20 l pale ale base when I can afford it and it's lovely. Sour enough for me with just the fruit acid. Dry hopping it with 100g of citra if your flush from a win on the lotto is even lovelier.
  17. Bzee

    Hop seedlings

    I see lots of hops by river banks think they the water
  18. Bzee

    Leaf v Pellet Hops

    Pellets everytime for me now that I've worked out best way to filter them out. Whole hops are like sponges and I don't think they give up as much of the aromas.