They have a bit of a lag between orders being placed and processed/dispatched but apart from that I've had 1 successfully delivered and another on the way.
Hi All, I'm looking to put together my first recipe for a 3.8l all grain batch. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, this is what I've got so far:
650g Maris Otter
50g crystal (50L)
40g pale chocolate
Challenger (8.5AA) 4g@60
I'm looking to expand my capacity to about the 10l/3 gallon range and have come across this kettle. Does anyone have any experience with these or any suggestions for a similar product?
Hi there,
I'm a long overdue first time brewer who's been reading a few forum threads in the run up to my first attempt, it has been quite helpful so thank you already and I look forward to future brews and discussions.