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  1. Stings27

    Love Brewing New Kit Giveaway!

    Dancing Duck IPA please. 😊
  2. Stings27

    Keg That Giveaway!

    American pale ale please.
  3. Stings27

    The Love Brewing Trick or Treat Giveaway!

    Fyne Panther IPA please 👍👍🍻
  4. Stings27

    All in one systems.

    Thank you all. Some serious thinking to be done it seems. 🍻🍻
  5. Stings27

    All in one systems.

    Hi all. I know this has been covered numerous times on the forum but as technology moves on and things improve maybe opinions might change ? Ive been brewing all-grain for a number of years now using a HLT, mash tun and boiler and have now thought about purchasing a ‘all-in-one’ due to me...
  6. Stings27

    Vanish oxi clean.

    Thank you 👍👍🍻
  7. Stings27

    Vanish oxi clean.

    Meant asking , how much do you use ? when I had Oxi-clean I used half a scoop to a gallon of warm water.
  8. Stings27

    Vanish oxi clean.

    Cheers Clint !👍👍🍻🍻
  9. Stings27

    Vanish oxi clean.

    Sent the wife down town 👍👍
  10. Stings27

    Vanish oxi clean.

    Thank you all 👍🍻
  11. Stings27

    Vanish oxi clean.

    Hi all. Bought a tub of this from local supermarket to clean my corny kegs. When I got home and open it I noticed it was perfumed , tho it didn’t state on the label. I know contact time in cleaning a keg is a matter of minutes so will this still be ok to use? Obviously it will have a good...
  12. Stings27

    Bottled water.

  13. Stings27

    Bottled water.

    Noticed on quite a few threads the use of bottled water. As this is relatively cheap in supermarkets my question is; does it make a difference ? Or is it just as well to use tap water and a campden tablet?
  14. Stings27

    Heater trays..

    Thanks pittsy :clap: :thumb:
  15. Stings27

    Heater trays..

    Was thinking about purchasing one :?: Any thoughts from you guys? Or is there a better alternative? Thanks :cheers:
  16. Stings27

    Brew belts

    Thanks :thumb:
  17. Stings27

    Brew belts

    Hi all. Just a general enquiry about brewbelts and if anyone on here uses them? Are they worth buying and how much fermenting time does if save? Ta. :)
  18. Stings27

    Coopers Pilsner

    Thanks :thumb:
  19. Stings27

    Coopers Pilsner

    Hi all Made the above brew and I am now ready for transferring to keg. Could anyone tell me how much priming sugar to use as the instructions only specify sugar for bottling. Thanks ! :cheers: