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  1. james1988

    Hydrometer and sparge confusion

    I've managed to some how confuse myself when it comes to my Hydrometer after my first AG brew. I was talking to a friend of mine the other day about it and he said that when I was taking reading during the sparge that I should have cooled the wort to 20c in the trial jar and then taken the...
  2. james1988

    Coffee Wine Bottling

    The picture doesn't do it justice. It's really clear, in 'real life' you can quite easily see the grouting and everything else through it. :D I'll move the wine around tonight and fill them right up. James
  3. james1988

    Coffee Wine Bottling

    I did and forgot to mention the taste. It's quite smooth, warming and has a bit of a bite. I drank the bottle at the front tonight with my mum and stepdad as they wanted to try it. Is there any reason why they need to be full? James
  4. james1988

    Coffee Wine Bottling

    Evening all, I bottled my Coffee Wine tonight that started fermenting on the 19/09/2011. It stopped about 10 days ago so I added finings and left it to clear. It's had a consistent gravity since then so I decided to bottle it. I made it using the following recipe for 1 Gallon: 4 Tbsp of...
  5. james1988

    AG1 A Hoegaarden esque beer

    Will remember that for next time. As the recipe said whole I thought it literally meant the whole thing :oops:
  6. james1988

    AG1 A Hoegaarden esque beer

    So I finally go around to doing my first brew. I did it Wednesday night as impatience got the better of me. I started at 2100 and finished at 0200 Thursday. It was all going well until mid way through the boil both the elements cut out. Much sucking of teeth and swearing later I realised I left...
  7. james1988

    Hoegarden homebrew

    I'm doing one Friday (going down the all grain route). I'm in work at the moment and can't remember the recipe off the top of my head. You can either wait until I get in and I'll post it up or in the meantime Google it. James
  8. james1988

    New to Kegs

    Hello all, Up until tonight my brews (Ginger beer, Turbo Cider and Ribena Wine) have all gone into plastic pop bottles. I was lucky enough to pick up some kegs off a chap local to me who put an add up on Freecycle (if you're reading this I'm very grateful). I have a couple of questions regarding...
  9. james1988

    Missed Parcel Scam

    I'm getting quite a number of these false delivery things but they are via e-mail for me and always claim to be parcel force.
  10. james1988

    Argos value kettle

    I used one the other day, just took the element out and removed the shiny round thing at the top and job done. Ran it up to 97c and it was fine. I found using a heat resistant kettle lead that I bought from a local electrical store plugged straight on the end and saved fannying about with...
  11. james1988


    Thanks for the warm welcome! James
  12. james1988


    Hello all! I'm James, 22 from the valleys in South Wales. I've been bitten by the brewing bug and currently have 5 gallons of Fiery ginger beer on the go and a gallon of Coffee wine fermenting away. I recently brewed some Turbo Cider and to say it floored me and a friend was an understatement...