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  1. bobukbrewer

    Too cold.

    Years ago I drank with a lovely American man in London. He would order 2 pints of Guinness and put one on the hearth in front of a blazing log fire. He got some very strange looks.....
  2. bobukbrewer

    Overbuilding yeast and yeast count

    I use all of the slurry from a 22 litre batch for the next batch, and so on, 4 times max, restart with sediment from one of the bottles in batch 1 and use the next 2 resultant slurries. Of course, in around 40 years, I will have to buy another packet of yeast.
  3. bobukbrewer

    I'm Struggling

    I also think long walks, whatever the weather will help, preferably with someone else. Cook somethink different every week. And this is contentious, take 2 grams (2000 mg) of vitamin C every day. Finally start baking sourdough bread. Finally (2) turn off Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
  4. bobukbrewer

    Word association

  5. bobukbrewer

    Why boil hops for 60 minutes ?

    Thanks to all - will report back in due course.
  6. bobukbrewer

    Why boil hops for 60 minutes ?

    Greetings all. As my beers all tend to end up "too" bitter, I was considering boiling for only 20 minutes. I have consulted Doctor Google, but have not discovered why, or if, 60 minutes is best.
  7. bobukbrewer


    I know they "claim" to be the best. My recommendation is based on recent use in the last year, when I was temporarily unable to make full mash beers. They are "cheap" and make a very drinkable beer. With experience you will improve them eg with extra hops and crystal malt. Good luck.
  8. bobukbrewer


    Buy and make a Coopers Innkeepers Daughter kit, adding dried malt extract instead of sugar. That will be your starting reference brew. Then buy a de-luxe kit, possibly one of the Muntons range. Then start reading about water treatment and mashing.....
  9. bobukbrewer

    Filling HLT/all-in-one from garden hose

    I walk kitchen to garage (5 metres) 8 times carrying a 4 litre jug of water. I have never been injured yet.
  10. bobukbrewer

    Advice on cleaning and sterilising

    Tesco dilute bleach for me, and as BridgeBrew said, really well rinsed first with cold water x 4 and then with hot water x2 - and I soak my feet in a 1% solution of dilute bleach..............Lokk out for Clint's reply.,.,.,.,.,,,,
  11. bobukbrewer

    bottle conditioning question

    I ferment for 4 to 7 days, then bottle, leave 2 weeks then drink. I do not see any change in taste from first bottle to last bottle. Also I see no difference between 500 ml bottles (glass) and 2 litre PET bottles. Mainly 3.8% SMASH beers. Up to now SO4 yeast but have now switched to Nottingham.
  12. bobukbrewer

    Calcium chloride - HELP!

    I am sure you could have brewed a pale bitter with 50-50 tap / bottled......
  13. bobukbrewer

    Napisan to freshen my fermentation bucket

    Buy concentrated unscented bleach from any supermarket, and dilute - when needed - to 5% - eg 100 ml in 2 litres. As others have said, rinse very well afterwards.
  14. bobukbrewer

    No trucks, CO2 and Christmas is cancelled.

    CO2 is widely used in the food and drinks industry, including for stunning animals at abattoirs before slaughter. nitrogen, compressed air ?
  15. bobukbrewer

    No trucks, CO2 and Christmas is cancelled.

    is CO2 used to stun animals or asfixiate them - ok you spell it......
  16. bobukbrewer

    No trucks, CO2 and Christmas is cancelled.

    yes - filled tank as I want to visit grand kids a 440 miles return trip - no guarantee I can get fuel up north nexty weekend
  17. bobukbrewer

    CAMRA at it again

    can't remember, but it had "session" in the name. My first 2 pints were crystal clear also, so Does craft keg have a hazy layer at the bottom ? It was'nt the sort of establishment IMHO to sell fancy keg beers but I may be wrong. My main point was about lack of throughput on the draught real ales.
  18. bobukbrewer

    CAMRA at it again

    Many places do not sell enough real ale and so the real ale they sell is old, stale and not enjoyable. I stayed at an upmarket pub b&b recently, it was excellent in all aspects except the beer. I switched to keg after tasting the beer on handpump, and - a first for me - I was served a pint of...
  19. bobukbrewer

    Suggestions for burn out / disinterest

    Get plenty of exercise in the open air. Eat a healthy diet. Lose weight if you need to. Consider some kind of charity work perhaps.
  20. bobukbrewer

    Water Treatment Questions - Bicarbonate vs Alkalinity

    first find the desired alkalinity for the style of beer you plan to brew. Then look up tables that show how much AMS to use to reduce alkalinity to that level. How complicated is that. And quoting alkalinity as 135 .97 is just silly.