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  1. T

    How hard is a kit lager?

    Wow, quick response! I guess temperature control could be an issue for me if lager is more sensitive... I have an indoor cupboard which sits nicely at 18-22 and a garage - nothing more sophisticated than that! What sort of temperature ranges do lagers need?
  2. T

    How hard is a kit lager?

    Hello all, I do love a pint of ale, and currently have a wherry on the go which I am loving. My brother is visiting in the summer and he is a staunch lager drinker. I'm thinking of doing a kit in preparation for his visit but I have a few questions: 1) will it be much more difficult than the...
  3. T

    New Brewer - How does it look?

    Standard barrel, judging by your description, as the tap is at the bottom. Which makes sense with the beer needing to drop. And no to gelatine, is that purely a cosmetic addition or are their flavour benefits too? If finings are cheap then a perhaps a worthy addition... will see how future brews...
  4. T

    New Brewer - How does it look?

    Primary ferment for about 10 days at 20-22 degrees ish. FG was 1014... didn't take OG since I was still learning. Transferred to pressure barrel (came with the kit) with about 70g sugar, batch size just shy of 5 gallons. If my memory serves me correctly!
  5. T

    New Brewer - How does it look?

    No, not the picture - it was a bit cloudy. I had another "sample" last night and it was the same. I was guessing that it might condition out, but Hell, what do I know? Is there anything I can do to help it on its way? P.S. SWMBO very impressed - apparently it tasted gorgeous (!!) And was "much...
  6. T

    New Brewer - How does it look?

    Cheers Terry. What a useful forum! I'm looking forward to some tasty experiments!
  7. T

    New Brewer - How does it look?

    Morning all! Was given a Youngs / Woodfordes Wherry kit for Christmas, much to my pleasure! Kit went on a few weeks ago and has been conditioning in the garage for only a week. I couldn't resist and took a sample: Anyone fancy giving me an opinion? I'm not sure how it is meant to turn out...