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  1. T

    How many gallons of homebrewed beer in 2014?

    15 gallons of beer so far this year!
  2. T

    Help? Beer Tastes Good After Primary then Bad After Racking?

    If you go to the "How to Brew" website, chapter 21.2 is very helpful in identifying off flavors and their causes. I'd post the site address, but I'm too new!
  3. T

    Help? Beer Tastes Good After Primary then Bad After Racking?

    Yeah, been there. Did the same thing many years ago. You can keep the lid on to get it to boil faster, but as soon as it starts always remove the lid. The batch I made with the lid on sort of smelled like beer mixed with a can of corn. This was years ago so I don't remember if it got any better...
  4. T

    Across The Pond

    Once it's carbed it may taste quite different and better.
  5. T

    Hello from across the way

    Thanks for the welcome everyone!. Good to know about the gallon difference. I spent a lot of time reading the barclay perkins blog too It made me want to find out even more about English ale.
  6. T

    Hello from across the way

    I live a little north of New York City. Been brewing for about seven years and I've always liked English (or is it British?) beer. Brewed a lot of it. I've tried as many as I can get over here, and I really like whatever I've had. Thought I'd join to get more info, recipes, and ideas.