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  1. C

    advantages of malt extract

    Thanks Bob, I added it to a Cooper's european larger, however my readings were a bit low with 23 litres of water?? So I adding some additional sugar to boost my readings? CR
  2. C

    advantages of malt extract

    Can anyone expain the advantages to using a malt extract. Also do they replace all the required sugars for fermentation or do you require a bit of both??
  3. C

    Lack of gas in my bottles

    Hy All, This will make you laugh.I was just about to post about too much gas> lol. I took ten bottles away to a lads weekend (just past). everyone enjoyed the larger once the head had subsided after 1hour. Major blunder on my behalf. I brewd a j bulls cider at the same time as the lager and...
  4. C

    Lack of gas in my bottles

    Cheers for the advise I have it in the garage at present, propbably too cool at this time of year. I will move it back indoors. I have used steel bottle tops so unfortunatley cant open. i will check a sample in seven days and post and update. thanks for the reply C
  5. C

    Lack of gas in my bottles

    I have recently brewed my first attempt at a home brew. it was the "coopers mexican cerveza". it took seven days t ferment, i let it sit for more day before bottling it straight from the fermenter. I used 1 taplespoo of castor sugar in each 500mm bottle. i tried a sample before bottling and...