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  1. S

    Batch priming

    Thank for helping all.. Will properly just do that then!.. Just a bit nervous of exploding kegs!.. Only just got the for me birthday :lol:
  2. S

    Batch priming

    But couldn't there be a possibility that the beer could get infected if I just sling it in!.. Anyway I have decided to place in a carboy for a week or so before bottling/kegging!!!
  3. S

    Batch priming

    Ah got you now, My apologies!... You say add 20g of sugar to each keg, would the but mixed in with water aswell or just poured into the keg on its own!. I'm very sorry for all the question but I have never done this before!. All got to start somewhere!! :thumb:
  4. S

    Batch priming

    So 20kg of sugar will be ok for the keg, Will that be ok for the bottles to as I don't want bottle bombs!!
  5. S

    Batch priming

    Thanks for the advice guys!.. What I'm thinking I could is bottle from the FV with carbonation drop to 15L and then transfer from the FV into a carboy for batch priming into kegs!..
  6. S

    Batch priming

    Hi all, I am very sorry if this sounds like a very dumb question but I am quite new to this and just getting my bearings. I have been using carbonation drops for the last couple of brews and now have decided to batch prime!.. I will be dispensing my beer (23L) into three 5L mini kegs (rest...
  7. S

    Coopers Kit

    Hi ya, I think it's for a couple of reason, 1 for easy cleaning 2 provides more headspace 3 allows co2 to escape!.. Anyway I think that's how it goes!. Thing is that I don't want to possibly use it again and get an infection and I'm doing an muntons old conkerwood black ale next with some...
  8. S

    Coopers Kit

    Hi All, Me again with the questions!.. I have just bottled my english bitter and stupid me left the krausen collar in the FV for the last four weeks, well come to cleaning was say "a bit rough"!.. I think I may have scratched the outside of the collar. Would it be case of me chucking it away...
  9. S

    Mini Kegs

    Many thanks for the info Johnnyh I have purchased a mini keg starter kit from a home brew supply shop in Salisbury.. Looking forward to getting stuck in!.. I am fed up with bottling all the time..
  10. S

    Mini Kegs

    Hi All, I was thinking about possibly getting a 5L mini keg, Are they any good?. I have only just started brewing so quite inexperienced.. Also one quick question as that of priming sugar into the 5L keg, how much would I need to put in and how. Like I say due to time I use carbonation drops...