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  1. K

    Using Elderflowers

    About 10 g of elderflowers (dried) seems to do the trick for me. This amount produces a beer where the elderflower is noticeable. I suppose 5 g would be the minimum that could provide a noticeable elderflower kick in 40 pints following my method. Method: Bring dried elderflower to the boil in...
  2. K

    Nottingham Yeast

    Just bottled a brew which was fermenting with Nottingham for 10 days. The beer started to clear at around day 7 and was very dry to taste on day 10. Looked like fermentation had stopped but there were still plenty of yeast clumps (just like your photo). Lets hope nothing goes pop in the garage.
  3. K

    First Explosion- and boy was it big.

    Had my first exploding bottle last night. It was a lager which had been in the bottle for at least 12 weeks- strange you may say, why would a bottle explode after 12 weeks? Wouldn't it explode as the CO2 was produced, say after 2 weeks if it was going to blow? The bottle was wrapped in a...
  4. K

    Lager Kits, any ideas??

    The coopers kits are good. I did the mexican lager over the winter with a lager yeast and a hop teabag. Very good brew.
  5. K

    IPA improving body, correct carbanation

    You could try a couple of tablespoons (100 g or so) of dried wheat malt in addition to the rest of your dried malts for a better head.
  6. K

    Safbrew WB-06

    My mate has been brewing a wheat beer with this yeast, smells great, tastes great so far. However the attenuation has been rather poor. 1040 down to 1015 over 2 and a half weeks at 20 deg. A stir at about 2 weeks dropped the gravity from 1020 to 1015. Is this the usual performance for this yeast?
  7. K

    The Official Fishing Thread.

    I discovered the best lager while fishing in America. On a hot boat in the middle of the Indian River, 'Kalik' Bahamian lager is the best taste ever.
  8. K

    Spoiling real ale

    The problem with real ales in most pubs is the over enthusiasm of the customers and landlords. Ale is probably the best thing in the world, there is lots of flavoursome variety. The hypothetical landlord loves ale so wants to showcase as many examples as possible. This raises 2 problems: (1) Too...
  9. K

    Coopers Pale Ale. Bottle yeast.

    I have found a bottle or two of this pale ale in the UK. Is the yeast in the bottle the primary yeast strain? Also when using a coopers pale ale kit the beer always clears in a keg, however when served on draught in South Australia it is always served cloudy. I do like it cloudy. Should I give...