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  1. simonlpearce

    2nd Brew - Coopers Brewmaster Pilsner

    I realised this morning that i brewed this kit a little long, and have made it to 24ltr rather than the indicated 23ltr. Am i likely to have any issues with the overall taste, or will it just work out a little weaker in terms of ABV%, or is it not significant enough to really worry?
  2. simonlpearce

    2nd Brew - Coopers Brewmaster Pilsner

    I just brewed my 2nd batch which which was a coopers brewmaster pilsner. I have to admit it seemed to go more fluid than the first so got good hopes for this one. Ssying that my first only just went into bottles so could also be great. It had a start reading of 1038. I also received my aquarium...
  3. simonlpearce

    How many gallons of homebrew in 2012?

    5 gallons Better Brew Czech Pils Total : 5730 And another 5 which i hope to add before the end of the year.
  4. simonlpearce

    Better Brew Czech Pils

    I just bottled this at the weekend, but used brewing sugar and no hops. Mine was in the FV for 2 weeks but i bottled straight away. In hindsight i probably should have left it in the second FV for a couple of weeks but it was my first ever brew so you live and learn. It has cleared down...
  5. simonlpearce

    How am I doing?

    So had a sneak peak tonight and they are looking 10 x clearer than they were when first bottled, pic below. Should they have settled so soon? I thought they had to get cloudy again to prime, then clear after say a week? They are tucked away in the top of my wardrobe which is next to the boiler...
  6. simonlpearce

    How am I doing?

    See i did move the beer to a secondary FV, but only as this one had the little bottler attached. Next brew i will stick it in the secondary FV and put it in the garage for a week or two to clear. I also think my fermentation took a little longer as the temp dropped, but today my aquarium heater...
  7. simonlpearce

    How am I doing?

    Yeah i thought it looked a little cloudy, which i why i was after expert opinions on here. Will make sure to leave longer in the primary before bottling. Would you say around 3-4 weeks would be more suitable? :wha: As its my first brew i guess you live and learn. Providing its drinkable then i...
  8. simonlpearce

    How am I doing?

    I got my first brew bottled over the weekend after 2 weeks in the FV. What a faff bottling is, need to get myself a bottling tree and a rinser i think, should cut down the time + amount of water i used. Anyhow here are a couple of snaps of said bottled beer, which is a Better Brew Czech...
  9. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    Read 1010 today so providing it's the same again tom it's going in the bottles! Happy with the taste of the samples though :-)
  10. simonlpearce

    First kit brew

    Wilkinsons sell the trial jars for about £2 :thumb:
  11. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    Thanks for the heads up, hoping i can get it bottled this weekend then.
  12. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    So I can still bottle even if it's still bubbling away? It tasted ok mind so a fizzy cold version of what I have wouldn't dissapoint me. Actually thinking about it, it should be fine as once its bottled it will only start bubbling away again anyway.
  13. simonlpearce

    Holding Pubs to Account

    On the odd occasion i have had a bad pint and complained, i cant say i have ever had any issues. One place even changed the barrel as they agreed that something wasn't right.
  14. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    So after 10 days the airlock is still bubbling away, however i did notice that my temp has dropped to around 16 celsius. Is it ok to stick it in a warm bath to bring the temp back up and try and speed up the final stages, or should i just stop being so impatient and leave well alone? FYI - I...
  15. simonlpearce

    coopers kit lager

    Am i right in thinking that once a brew enhancer is opened, it should really be thrown away rather than stored as it absorbs moisture from the air?
  16. simonlpearce

    Aquarium Heater

    Too much :drink: :drunk: :grin:
  17. simonlpearce

    Aquarium Heater

    Now there's a clever idea! Have ordered the heater and will go pick up a plastic box big enough for the FV on my way home from work.
  18. simonlpearce

    Aquarium Heater

    According to the advert it goes from 17-35 Celsius so should do just fine. It also says the 50w is suitable for 96 litres(24 Gallons) so would 100w not be a little overkill? Im assuming this just get sterilised and chucked directly into the FV, perhaps via a bung?
  19. simonlpearce

    Aquarium Heater

    Will this do the job to keep my brews at the right temp? ... 2577c93e80
  20. simonlpearce

    Advice on first brew

    Of course they will be rinsed and dried as much as possible, without physically sticking something inside the bottle. I guess as beer is what 80/90% water anyway, a minute amount more isn't going to have a noticeable difference...