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  1. Mr Majik

    Barley Mill

    Hi all About to treat myself to a malt mill. I'm after a roller type and have looked at a few. Currently the only ones i have found are in the USA, they are the Bare Bones mill, monster malt mill, and the Barley crusher. Can any one recommend any others? And does any one know where to get...
  2. Mr Majik

    Grey wort

    Culprit of the odd colour found! With the mention of possible fungle contamination I erred on the side of caution and drained 8L as well as binning the remaining 5 kg of malt. Then I turned to my kit, got ready to disinfect everything! Bottles, buckets, bins, utensils... Then I took my...
  3. Mr Majik

    Grey wort

    I want to get rid of it, i really do, but i don't dare take the bung off... Im kind of scared its going to jump out and do horrible things to the local populous.
  4. Mr Majik

    Grey wort

    Oh and on the other subject, iv had a good hunt around and for now im debating a Bare Bones roller malt mill. Any comments thoughts on that, or should i post this in a separate thread?
  5. Mr Majik

    Grey wort

    Dodgy malt? Something fungle? After tonights expirience i think you may all be onto something. I just had a look at the batch i did last week, same odd colouration of the wort. Just looking at the demijohn was a sure sign of something wrong. It went from its unpleasent looking grey colour to a...
  6. Mr Majik

    Grey wort

    They were malted 3 weeks ago, milled a couple of days ago and taste fine. There is however an unusual peanut smell in my malted grain bucket, maybe some have turned? (Hope not, there's 7kg in there!) To compare, I'll throw some in to germinate Sunday and do a batch with that when its ready in...
  7. Mr Majik

    Grey wort

    Hi all, I mentioned before I had a funny colored wort. Today I did another batch, 1kg of malt went in. 5g of challenger hops. This is the colour it turned out. Any ideas? Oh, and iv decided to splash out on a mill what do you recommend?
  8. Mr Majik

    Grey wort

    Didnt think it looked good. But for the sake of a 2 liter brew i did while i was getting dinner ready im curious to see what happens. As for what is was, 500g of home malted pail malt. No hops. (For experimentation purposes, figuring out first different malts, then the effects of different...
  9. Mr Majik

    Grey wort

    Hi all, Hope you all had a fab new year! I aquired w load of demijohns so as far as malting my own goes im going to do a whole load of little trile and error batches. Good fun! I dont have a photo of it as of yet (i will try to upload one later) but todays wort came out a grey-ish blue...
  10. Mr Majik

    Oak Chips, how long, and how much?

    Ha ha, just read that back, think i was thinking of hops somewhere.. Boil oak? Meh why not. However, the split and experiment with dropping in during first or second ferment still stands with what i was rabbeting on about. On another note i think this pumpkin and honey ale i knocked up is...
  11. Mr Majik

    Oak Chips, how long, and how much?

    Hi Rukula Im all quite new to this myself and have been suckd since the beginning to the apparent "Dark Side" as far as having to even malt my own! So im leaning each little dtail bit by bit and by way of experimenting i have all sorts of differnt fv's with different things gurgling away in...
  12. Mr Majik

    Experiment - Advice

    Cheers PD, i'll give it some time then. I suppose i'm impatient as my first brew a couple of weeks ago (using dme) pretty much exploded when i pitched!
  13. Mr Majik

    Experiment - Advice

    Evening all First of all, sorry no photos :( i will try during some brewday but had too much going on today. So, my second brew and it is far "by the book" as im figuring it all out from the olden day methods... And a touch of "learning by mistkes" Any how, the malting process went ok. As did...
  14. Mr Majik

    A treatise of the brewing of beer

    Hi all. Mines not so much a personal review but a "check it out for a bit if history guys" and of course, any following discussion would be great! A FreEbook on the Project Gutenberg site. Written originally by E. Hughes. In 1796 entitled "A treatise of the brewing of beer" Heres the link...
  15. Mr Majik

    From grain to beer help...

    Dont worry Loetz, you have pooped no party here... i will, possibly, invest in a proper mill one day. but for now you are right, the mill i have is made to make flour and thats pretty much what i got the first attempt. however i popped a few washers in and now i get this... as for the...
  16. Mr Majik

    From grain to beer help...

    Thanks for all you info everyone Oldjiver, when you say flour too fine, how fine do you mean and how does it affect the beer? I did a test grind with some unmalted grain and the results are a bit random. Some are craked, some broken in to pieces and there is some dust (quite course but dust...
  17. Mr Majik

    From grain to beer help...

    I saw it yesterday actually, looks the business! When i start getting in to bigger batches ill look in to something along those lines! I have a question while your here screamlead. My first batch of germination is a bit higglypiggldy... A have one 2kg worth,most are ready and have their nice 3...
  18. Mr Majik

    nilotic's brief hello

    I quite enjoy Barker, I've just read the Abarat books, I hear there are more on the way. I've got a great book of his short stories too, can't remember what it's called off the top of my head though. Do what book is this mathematical creature in, I picture mix of the Loch Ness monster and a...
  19. Mr Majik

    From grain to beer help...

    I was thinking about a water bottle, i'l find something when it gets here. Quite excited! Apparenly it has an adjustable "technical word for grindy bit" to make all from cracked to milled grain. I'll let you know how it turns out.
  20. Mr Majik

    nilotic's brief hello

    Hi nilotic welcometo the forum. Im new here too, these chaps have taught me lots! thats an interesting name are you from Nile area? Its a shame you didnt enjoy elder wine, my grandad used to make some wonderful elder wind. A friend of mine is currently trying out an alcoholic dandilion and...