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  1. T

    beer related youTube

    Howdy gang I watch quite a few of CraigTube's video on homebrewing on youtube. He chuckles me up. Does anyone have any other youtube beer vid suggestions that you can recommend?
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    beer life

    guess i need to sort out proper storage for my brews then...
  3. T

    Second Brew scheduled

    Second brew done; Saturday 11th. Much easier going, having done my first kit before Christmas. OG 1.500 Bubbling away nicely... already lining up the next one for when the FV is free
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    beer life

    how long can one reasonably expect beer to last for in the bottle? does beer go 'off' eventually? i imagine so, but if so, how long...?
  5. T

    first brew bottled

    duly noted guys! thanks! :cheers:
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    Second Brew scheduled

    Ok, after the (relative) success of the first brew, the second is now on! Nothing exciting; another kit; Woodforde Wherry, which i love drinking so i'm hoping to reproduce the tastiness in some way... This Saturday afternoon... :thumb:
  7. T

    first brew bottled

    MattN: i measured out 2 grams for each 500ml bottle. I used normal granulated sugar instead of Priming sugar (as i heard there was no difference). Is this wrong? i was worried about over-sugaring and exploding beer... either way, i've bought a few kilos of brewing sugar for the next batch...
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    bottle colour

    thats odd when you can buy beer in the supermarket (old speckled hen, for instance) that come in clear bottles. I guess there's another process that the mainstream brewers use that allows clear glass to be used...
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    bottle colour

    sweet. will do :thumb:
  10. T

    bottle colour

    i understand that the bottle colour prevents light from spoiling beer but is there any different between green and brown (or even blue for that matter...)? i'm looking to expand my bottle stocks to brew more
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    AG#2 and it'a all gone wrong!

    and there's me thinking hair of the dog is a good thing sorry :whistle:
  12. T

    fitting a spigot

    oh man, now i can't decide what to do. To spigot or not to spigot, that is the question...
  13. T

    fitting a spigot

    howdy gang I'm currently using a simple FV with no spigot and siphoning out the beer once done. if i fit a spigot onto a FV which is currently without, how high from the bottom should i fit it? indeed, is this possible/a good idea?
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    first brew bottled

    well, a belated merry christmas and happy new year all! :cheers: ok, so the first batch has all but gone (one bottle left), drunk and distributed to various family members for the festive season. i have also been collecting bottles for the next batch. After waiting approx 3 weeks, the first...
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    first brew bottled

    thirsty... nearly 13 days to go
  16. T

    first brew bottled

    well, my first brew (a muntons bitter kit) is now bottled. FG 1.006 (a bit low?) i've got 37 500ml bottles (shared with my brewing pal). So about 18 beers. we're planning to crack the very first bottle we filled on 13th December, which is a little over 2 weeks. Just to try it. The others are...
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    holy moly bottling confusion

    phew! ;) i'll leave the brew to chill out this week then bottle next weekend. Thanks a bunch guys. This is my first ever brew (a kit) so i'm a total newb but maybe i'm just overthinking it :hmm: sod it. bottling next weekend :thumb:
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    holy moly bottling confusion

    ok. bought kit. bought Graham Wheelers book. brewed kit. waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited and waited... did the SG readings a day apart, both match. now planning on bottling next weekend. HOWEVER! reading Mr Wheelers book suggests that bottling straight from the...
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    fermentation airlock bubbling

    cool. gonna do SG readings then...
  20. T

    fermentation airlock bubbling

    hey guys my first brew has been in the FV for 15 days now. two questions: 1. how long in between bubbles in the airlock counts as 'not longer bubbling'? its still going now, but a lot lot slower... 2. is it ok to leave the beer in the FV (for a week or so) after fermenting or does it HAVE to...