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  1. S

    Slight issue...

    Hi, sorry me again. Ive got a slight issue, in that ive timed it right to bottle my beer before heading home from University. However, i know that you need to leave it in the warm for a week before transferring it outside. As im not going to be here to transfer it, what is best?. Leaving it...
  2. S

    Currently brewing beer, would like to try larger. Any advice

    Im currently brewing a young's bitter, and the temperature needs to be between 18 degrees C and 24 degrees C. Ive read that for larger it needs to be a lot less. Possibly around 12. Is that only if you use a larger yeast, and is there any kits for larger that are at the room temperature of a...
  3. S

    When to bottle?

    The temperature was about 25 degrees when I added the yeast and took the reading. Now its at a constant 21ish degrees. So it is OK to leave it in the fermenter / bucket for a day or two after I think its stopped, just to be sure?
  4. S

    When to bottle?

    OK, my brew has been fermenting for 4 days now, and the reading is 1.014. It started at 1.020. Ive read that alcohol weighs less than water, so it should be less than 1.000. What number should it be at least when bottling? Does it have to be in the green on the hydrometer, or can it be in the...
  5. S

    Best online shop to buy kits?

    What is the best shop to buy kits in regards to postage? Also what local high street shops sell kits? Thanks
  6. S

    Air lock, gas, lid question...

    At the bottom of my fermenting bin I have a plug thing that I put in to block the hole. Is this an airlock to let the gas out? At the moment I have to leave the lid slightly unclipped to allow the gas to escape otherwise the lid gets a big bulge. Also if it does this, wont the gas go into the...
  7. S

    I accidently added too little sugar.

    Wont I disturb the all ready formed sediment at the bottom..? I dont know bout this, Im sure it is not risky, as you seem pretty knowledgeable. But if it wont ruin my batch if I dont do it. I dont think I will... Next time i will get it right :thumb:
  8. S

    I accidently added too little sugar.

    Thanks.. we will see. Well its my first ive done, its been fermenting for about 2 days. I dont want to risk ruining it. It should be ok :thumb:
  9. S

    I accidently added too little sugar.

    Unfortunately it is too late for that...
  10. S

    I accidently added too little sugar.

    I bought a young's kit, harvest YORKSHIRE bitter. I just read that I followed the recipe for young's bitter which required 1kg of sugar. I put one KG in my YORKSHIRE young's bitter, and it should have been 1.5kg. What will this mean apart from the batch being weaker than I had hoped. I mean by...