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  1. andynohearu

    Change one letter.

  2. andynohearu

    Change one letter.

  3. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    Anybody used no rinse sanitiser made of sodium percarbonate? Is it any good or not to be recommended?
  4. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    Thank you for this. Very helpful. Sorry you had to waste some!!!
  5. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    As easy as that!! Apart from the fridge, what sort of costs for the set up?
  6. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    Wow!!!! I, wouldn't even know what to get to make, all that work!!!
  7. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    Thank you so much for this
  8. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    Thank you so much. So priming is basically putting rhe sugar in and transferring the beer? From now on I will just, ferment in bucket following all advice, teansfer to pressure barrel and top up sugars, and put into cellar. In thd winter months, the cellar is is 2-7c. Would it still work in...
  9. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    So transfer to pressure barrel now and take straight to cellar? Don't keep it warm in secondary fermenting?
  10. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    Not yet. I'm a complete novice. There one on its way
  11. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    So transfer to pressure barrel now and take straight to cellar? Don't keep it warm in secondary fermenting?
  12. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    What about the second one, does thay look OK?
  13. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    First one, which has norhong floating, is a Mexican cerveza. The temperature at top floor where it was fermenting was 22-24 first week due to hot weather and second week was 20. Both barrels were in same place protected from light and fans going at them all the while. The temperature therw now...
  14. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    Thank you. I'm about to transfer from bucket to pressure barrel but I'm not convinced the first stage is successful. It's been two weeks. Got a Mexican cerveza and an artisan 1st gold ale. Have posted pictures. Is it worth putting fresh yeast and/or nutrients and give it longer?
  15. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    Thank you for this. The issue I got is temperature. I need to put the barrel on top floor so it keeps constantly warm for the secondary stage, then move to the cellar for the cooler temps for conditioning. However, I'm aware this might be bad practice as I am disturbing everything when it goes...
  16. andynohearu

    Primary, secondary and conditioning stage

    Good morning one and all. I'm left somewhat confused. The more I read the more so. I understand there are three stages to home brew. However, I have been adviced several times to ferment the beer as per usual, but then to transfer to a pressure barrel and leave on warm for couple of weeks, and...
  17. andynohearu

    Homebrew Beer Myths

    just the other day I was told this. Don't you you need the blanket of CO2 to protect it from oxidation? If there is no CO2 due to there being a non fully sealed fermenting bucket, meaning CO2 is escaping, does thay mean oxygen is getting in? Therefore oxidation will happen inevitably?
  18. andynohearu

    Cleaning pressure barrel

    Thank youm didn't even know you could get keg spanners
  19. andynohearu

    Cleaning pressure barrel

    Hola to one and all. I've just finished off my first home brew using pressel barrel. I found it much easier in terms of brewing but also probably rhe best I have done, but no where near as nice, as hoped, but more than drinkable. I'm still fairly new to homebrewing. However, I've put the valve...