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  1. D

    Forgot about it

    Thanks for that......will get it in the keg this evening.
  2. D

    Forgot about it

    Hi, I put a cider kit in the fermenting bucket just over 2 weeks ago and went on holiday a week later. Just returned home and cider is still in the fermenting bucket. Will it be ok to put in the keg still or is there something I have to add to it, or have I ruined it? Thanks
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    Possibly a stupid question. How do I know when the wine is fully degassed? Is it that there will be no bubbles formed whilst stirring?
  4. D

    Is everything ok?

    Just taken gravity reading and it's 0994..............time to degas?
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    Is everything ok?

    Oooh forgot to say......No chemicals added at transferring stage......
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    Is everything ok?

    Thanks guys.......I'm UK too, but bought it as a 'carboy' and just got used to calling it a carboy...........I believe the transferring was to get the wine off the ****, but I won't bother with that step next time....... Gravity was down from 1082 to 1008 at the transfer stage, and should now...
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    Is everything ok?

    Not sure there's pressure in there..........It did foam up in the fermenting bucket but then instructions say to siphon into carboy. There are a few bubbles on the top, but not many. It certainly smells like fermenting wine. I will take a gravity this evening, and invest in a proper bung rather...
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    Is everything ok?

    I have a 23L carboy/demijohn with my first attempt at wine in there at the moment. It's a kit wine, and spent 8 day in a fermenting bucket before siphoning to carboy. Since being in the carboy there have been very few bubbles, just a few small ones sat on top.......Is this normal? The cap on my...
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    Something for the summer

    Hi, I currently have a Wherry conditioning, an Admirals Reserve just gone in the FV and California Connoisseur Pinot Grigio on the go, however, I am looking for a nice refreshing lager for the summer months..........Any suggestions?
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    Crusty head

    Hi, I started my first wine kit about 8 days ago. I haven't really looked at it since I put it in the fermenting bucket, but just went to take a gravity reading and there's a foamy, slightly crusty head on it. Is this normal? Gravity is about 1008 and kit says to siphon into carboy when less...
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    First timer with a couple of questions

    Hi, first time brewing wine. I've just started brewing a 30 bottle, California Connoisseur, Pinot Grigio kit. Two, possibly stupid questions....... 1. Do I need to go out and buy a wine filter? 2. I have a spare beer keg, and was wondering, rather that bottling could I put the wine in that...
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    Wherry still bubbling

    Thanks for your help.
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    Wherry still bubbling

    Yes, two days ago. 1014.
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    Wherry still bubbling

    I started a Norfolk Wherry kit on 14th Jan and it's still bubbling away 9 days later. Is this normal? Am I to be patient and wait a few more days?
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    Secondary fermentation containers?

    I've bought a wine kit for my first ever attempt at making wine. I read everywhere, that you should siphon the wine into a glass or plastic carboy or demijohn for secondary fermentation. All I have is two 25L fermenting buckets. Will it be ok to use one of these for secondary fermentation? I've...
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    Hi...Not brewed for ages....

    Hi, I used to do the odd bit of home brew a few years ago, but not had a go for a few years. I've just started a fresh brew today. I've gone for Woodforde's Wherry as I remember enjoying this the last time. If anyone can recommend a beer along the same lines as Wherry. I would appreciate any...