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  1. S

    Cider brewday

    Thanks bud, Yeah bit of a waste of money...going to try and resell it...and the pulpmaster. Going to have a look more into the type you a freind of ours has a apple tree and are going to give us the apples to make a big batch and i'd rather not the method use the of food mixer and a...
  2. S

    Hugh's Elderflower Wine.Anyonetriedit? Edit- Now Bottled!!

    Well I'm back from a few days work....Ive just bottled....and tried some of the remaining.... I doubled the amount of water after being told about the recipe mistake, but it does seem a little watery...I aint got a clue whether it will get stronger now its being bottled...or whether Its too...
  3. S

    Cider brewday

    Well yesterday me and the Mrs brought 100 cox apples from the grocers in order to try out my new Pulpmaster and Press. I did the sterilizing first while Mrs chopped some apples and then began to Pulp. I got me drill fixed up and started didnt seem to do much at all...
  4. S

    Cider making advice please - Updated 13/06

    Thanks Tubby, I have followed what you said although the Mrs has frozen some of the pulp...ill leave that with her. If she finds a use for it let us know :thumb: I have poured some out to allow about 3" and also added the yeast...(although there was already a bit of froth at top?) There...
  5. S

    Cider making advice please - Updated 13/06

    Hello, 1) Me and the Mrs have just pressed a batch of juice. How far to the top of the demijohn should I fill it? should there ideally be no air space so touching the cork once I put the airlock on? 2) Should I place the airlock on straight away? 3) Ideally I would like it to naturally...
  6. S

    Best time to pick Elderflower?

    Hello, I went and picked some last weekend for my wasnt in full bloom the tree I was picking from but nearly.
  7. S

    Hugh's Elderflower Wine.Anyonetriedit? Edit- Now Bottled!!

    Thanks tubby, Will do that tomorrow! I have checked on it tonight and its fermenting like hell (since i put the cider yeast in). I am going to get another bucket to put it in tomorrow and split it in two, mixed with the extra water. I have now also got hold of some champayne yeast which on...
  8. S

    Hugh's Elderflower Wine.Anyonetriedit? Edit- Now Bottled!!

    Ive got 2kgs of suger in 6ltrs of water...I made the brew 4 days ago now and and added yeast yesterday. Ive been reading up and your totally anyone know if its too late to add some more water and maybe some more water????
  9. S

    Hugh's Elderflower Wine.Anyonetriedit? Edit- Now Bottled!!

    Ahhhh...that typo has done me know favours at all......grrrrr!!!!!!!! I must admit when I did it I thought...jesus thats a hellava lota suger....but hey I did it anyhow....
  10. S

    Hugh's Elderflower Wine.Anyonetriedit? Edit- Now Bottled!!

    Well just so you know....It has been three days and there was no action so I have added some was cider yeast as my local brew shop is closed so couldnt get any wine yeast (apparently it should be ok...gulp)
  11. S

    Hugh's Elderflower Wine.Anyonetriedit? Edit- Now Bottled!!

    No worries hahaha....Ill keep you posted
  12. S

    When Can I drink my brew

    Oh Thanks ill check it out.
  13. S

    When Can I drink my brew

    No but it sounds interesting?
  14. S

    Is this a good method for pulping apples?

    Many thanks for all the answers... I have brought the Pulpmaster and a small press for now!! I couldnt resist. I'd definatly still be interested in the press Aleman? The one I brought was 1.5ltr so ill give that a crack. Will let you all know how I get on. Thanks again
  15. S

    Hugh's Elderflower Wine.Anyonetriedit? Edit- Now Bottled!!

    I saw his programe on channel 4 last week and thought i'd give it a shot!!! I only saw the making of it and not his final im guessing it tasted nice. ... e_p_1.html Its been a few days with no action now so I have added some cider yeast...
  16. S

    When Can I drink my brew

    Hey Wez...this is great....Ive had some great help already and ive only been here 10 mins or so.
  17. S

    Is this a good method for pulping apples? ... 7C294%3A30 this is the press I was looking at...although I was sure if it was big enougth...there is a 5.5ltr but its twice the price!!!! appreciate comments
  18. S

    When Can I drink my brew

    Brilliant thanks...Ill consider that then thanks.. Just out of interest you say there would have been a CO2 film...but as It was syphoned it into a new jar wouldnt this have been broken at that stage? Thanks for the welcome too...much appreciated...
  19. S

    Is this a good method for pulping apples?

    Brilliant....I am in the process of making some cider...and I used a smoothie maker to pulp them so Im sure it will be a improvement..thanks for that!! Any Ideas on a decent press and the size (litres) I could buy.?..I'd hope to make in batches of about up to 10 pints... Ive been looking on...
  20. S

    Is this a good method for pulping apples? ... 7C294%3A50 I have been looking for reviews but cant find any.. Are these any good? They look like they are a bit flimsey etc....Any better products?