Water Softeners - any idea?

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I have ~350ppm hard water here (very hard).
I add 6ml of 80% lactic acid to mash liquor and a bit to sparge liquor.

Works fine (never tried AMS). Don't feel the need to get an RO supply (that seems to be mostly fuelled by weird Americans chasing the next shiny toy). Nor spotless water.

I would suggest brewing a couple of batches with your tap water before assuming it's terrible and buying ashbeck /spotless/RO.
Then try a brew with spotless/ashbeck.

Then seeing the difference.

Then make a decision as to whether you need RO/spotless etc. Don't just copy what other people on the internet do.
It’s well worth a try, just in case you havnt already got one, if you use this referral code,
you will get £10 of free water. (Full disclosure, I would also obtain a referral credit) give it a go, I am sure you will not be disappointed.
I have my spotless water profile all set at 0 and it works very well for me.
Let us know how you get on with it.

Cheers @Tony623, I’ll do that. A tenner saved isnt to be sniffed at, if it helps you out all the better!

I would suggest brewing a couple of batches with your tap water before assuming it's terrible and buying ashbeck /spotless/RO.
Then try a brew with spotless/ashbeck.

In all likelihood I will brew with the tap water for certain styles. Having done all my brewing at the old place with hard water (230ish) I know I can brew good bitters / darker beers with it.

It so happens my next brew (that I have the ingredients ready for) is a very light golden ale and experience tells I’ll need to sort the water out for a good result… usually I’d go ashbeck but quite keen to give Spotless a go…
I must have brewed around 30 extract and all grain beers before trying Ashbeck, I only chucked 1 brew down the drain in all that time and that was because I put far too much plum essence into it. Ashbeck was good but too expensive IMHO. I was very hesitant to start using spotless, but I ain’t going back to tap water especially after brewing about 50 beers with spotless. Total game changer for me but we all find our own way and if it works it works!
There is a lot of stuff on here.

I have ~350ppm hard water here (very hard).
I add 6ml of 80% lactic acid to mash liquor and a bit to sparge liquor.

Works fine (never tried AMS). Don't feel the need to get an RO supply (that seems to be mostly fuelled by weird Americans chasing the next shiny toy). Nor spotless water.

I would suggest brewing a couple of batches with your tap water before assuming it's terrible and buying ashbeck /spotless/RO.
Then try a brew with spotless/ashbeck.

Then seeing the difference.

Then make a decision as to whether you need RO/spotless etc. Don't just copy what other people on the internet do.
This is a very good point, however my beer has improved hugely since treating my hard water for pale ales.

Stouts, a little AMS and salt with filtered water.
That’s 20 odd litres of Spotless water picked up for the princely sun of of £1 or thereabouts. If nothing else it’s cheaper than Ashebck!

@Tony623 i enter red the promo code you gave me but doesn’t seem to have generated any credit etc. I’ll get in to them to sort 😂
That’s 20 odd litres of Spotless water picked up for the princely sun of of £1 or thereabouts. If nothing else it’s cheaper than Ashebck!

@Tony623 i enter red the promo code you gave me but doesn’t seem to have generated any credit etc. I’ll get in to them to sort 😂
Hopefully they give you a credit, but it is chip as cheap as chips and I know it has helped me improve my beers, so good luck and have a good brew!
I do also like the fact that I don’t have calcium build up on my kit anymore as well!
It’s certainly cheap. £1 per brew is fair economy to me! £2 a brew tops depending on what I’m shooting for..

Let you know how I go, should get your credit as well once sorted…
That’s 20 odd litres of Spotless water picked up for the princely sun of of £1 or thereabouts. If nothing else it’s cheaper than Ashebck!

@Tony623 i enter red the promo code you gave me but doesn’t seem to have generated any credit etc. I’ll get in to them to sort 😂
I think you get the credit after the first time you have added some money to your account and used some of it.
I thought about getting an RO system but couldn't justify the cost and waste of water, as I have several convenient Spotless water stations close by.

Yup. Me too no going to fit those reasons.

Unfortunately I appear to be spotlessless round ere, so a filter is next up.
It's a map which you can zoom in and out of and shows all the locations throughout England including the three that are offline at the moment, and yes there is also a list.