Not sure if it has previously been mentioned but just finished True Blood which apart from the last 2 seasons which are a bit iffy was a good watch, had some good end credit songs as well.
I don't think are many hockey fans on this forum other than mebut I've just mentioned it to the wife and I think we'll definitely be up for this.
Now to find out if I have to find a hooky version or it's available in the UK.
The last kingdom, about 5 seasons (last1)
Foundation, even tho it's so loosely based on the book they could have named it something else
The expanse
The Lincoln lawyer
Sugar.....this had an unexpected twist
The Rookie
The tracker...just found the1 and found it interesting
Trappo.... Australia private detective thing
Someone recommended Black Doves to us.
We'll give it a go.I'm half way through & thoroughly engrossed.
I'd warn it's quite violent & explicit in places though.
We'll give it a go.
We were recommended The Old Man. I have to say, it was OK and the ending was great, but it did get unnecessarily violent in bits and we like Jack Reacher, so not immune to a bit of violence.
It might be a me on my own thing. I mean, I like John Wick and Guy Ritchie/Tarantino movies, so I'll be absolutely fine with it.
First or second series?The first 3 episodes are good, then it seems like the writers ran out of ideas. Very flimsy second half to the series in my opinion.
First or second series?
The ending to the first was incredible and until the penultimate episode, never saw that coming.
But it was awfully slow. I reckon you could have fitted everything that happened that was important into a couple of episodes.
Ah ok. Yup. I'll give it a go. Thanks.Sorry, I was taking about Black Doves.
Ah ok. Yup. I'll give it a go. Thanks.