terpene extracts

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Jun 20, 2023
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has anyone tried adding the new terpene extracts to your beers. i recntly got some terpenes and trying to figure out how when how much to add.

reviews/threads are hard to find.
has anyone tried adding the new terpene extracts to your beers. i recntly got some terpenes and trying to figure out how when how much to add.
Well the dosing rate will depend on which product you have, and manufacturers are usually pretty clear about their suggested dose rates, but for instance Abstrax say 1ml of their Quantum extract is equivalent to an ounce of hop pellets.
reviews/threads are hard to find.
It's just the nature of these things, they're new and it takes time to brew beer. But they usually launch in the US first, so if you're desperate then places like Homebrewtalk will usually have some of the first reviews.

In general - past experience says that these kinds of products can work quite well, but don't rely on them 100%, they tend to have something "missing" somewhere so are better as a supporting element of a blend rather than something to rely on exclusively.

But just do a small test brew with DME with the terpenes on their own and some hops on their own side by side, to see the difference for yourself.
i guess this is very new territory 🤔
I think that it's more that the hop terpene products haven't been generally available in the UK. The Malt Miller did a one off purchase from a company in the US, but I haven't seen them available since.

I've used most of the modern hop products that are available (Flex, Incognito, Spectrum) successfully, plus some years ago I've used CO2 extract and hop oils. With all of them I've found they're more expensive than just using good quality hops, but when you're brewing a big IPA they help in reducing the amount of losses to green hop matter and will help push past the limits of extract you can get from your hops in your system.
thanks for the replies.
because i have no affiliation with them i didnt particularly want to post the company but morebeer is offering homebrew size abstrax terpene extracts now. i couldnt resist and ordered a few and they will arrive soon.

these seem a little different then the previous hop extracts.

based apparently on aroma and flavor extraction from weed, these are meant only for flavor and or aroma . zero bittering. the weed companies in the US make a lot of products that have the flavor and smell of cannabis with or without the thc and they took the same technology and applied it to hops apparently.

so they claim to have a lot of new uses over the old traditional extracts. like zero viscosity at room temp, micro dosing a pint of beer, light invulnerability and the ability to completely replace flavor additions, (i have my suspicions on this one.)

oils maybe the wrong terms because i am pretty sure they are completely water soluble.

i was hoping others have had experience with them on homebrew scale. there are some reviews on reddit mostly positive, but not all.

i was concerned about oxidation when storing after opening and not using it all in one go. which is what i am more interested in.

my fears were confirmed when i read the fine print on the website about co2 purging any unused portions. on a professional scale thats not a problem cause you could keep a gallon of it in a SS purged keg or similar vessel. here we are talking about a couple of milliliters. not sure how to keep 2-3 ml in co2 purged container. after i test some of it in small batches.