Brewzilla Steam Condenser issues

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Aug 2, 2024
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
I bought a steam condenser because my house mates weren't too happy with my first brews boil off nearly wrecking the kitchen ceiling and walls and thus banished me and my brewing to a room at the top of the house.

Problem I'm having is that in order to use it properly, I'm having to use a small submersible pump due to not having access to mains water.
The pump I have is the 2000L/H pump from the bucket blaster. As well as a smaller 1500L/H pump I bought previously from Amazon. (LOL at the ratings on these after my flow rate test)

I tested them both and they seem to produce a fairly pathetic mist out of the nozzle.
To compare it, I connected it to my shower hose and the difference was night and day. The shower produced a powerful steady mist.

Got curious and checked the flow rate of the pump vs my shower to see the difference on them as Kegland has said it doesn't need a high flow rate to work.

The pump has a higher flow rate than the shower with the shower giving 6L/min and my pump hit 7L at 45s then started to pull in air as the other supply bucket ran out of water.
What am I missing here?

Bit concerned about the effect it'll have if I can't get a proper mist forming at the nozzle.
Any help would be very much appreciated as I'm itching to get another brew day going and this is my only hurdle!
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Double Welp
I found my issue.
Bit of swarf from the manufacturing of the spray nozzle was blocking the outlet.
Silly oversight on my part and only dawned on me when I properly disassembled the spray nozzle to see the 4 ports and realised that the water spraying out when it was fully assembled was coming out at a slight angle. Checked the nozzle outlet again against a light that time and there was the slightest protrusion in the outlet.
Decent mist of water in an even conical pattern being generated now using the bucket blaster pump.
Should be back in business.

Hope this post helps some other poor soul who made the same mistake I did.