Fuggle Hops

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Active Member
May 13, 2015
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My next door neighbour has give me 80G of Fuggle hops

any one any idea what i can do with them as far as AG recipes go

nothing complicated as i only ever done 2 AG brews as ive taken the leak into AG

You could try a SMaSH, single malt and single hop.

what volume are you brewing, 1 gallon 3 or 5 as you have plent of hops for all of these.

I dont have fuggles in at the mo but if I did i would probably do the following (for 23 litres/5 gallons) for brew in a bag as thats what I do

3kg of marris Otter held at 62 degrees for 90 mins in 3.5 gallons water

remove bag and sparge through adding the wort back into your pot
ramp up the liquid to a rolling boil

Add the following:
20 gms hops at 60 minutes
20 gms hops at 15 minutes

Irish moss (or whirlfoc) at 15 minutes (optional)

leave to cool until under 70 degrees and add 10 gms and time for 30 minutes.

transfer to your fermenter and top up to 5 gallons (with as cold a water as you can get) and bang the lid on
pitch yeast at 18 degrees (my yeast of choice is US-05).

Wait 10 days or so then transfer to secondary
At this stage you can dry hop if you like to use up some of the hops but thats your choice.

Prime the secondary (100gms sugar for 23 lites) and transfer to bottle or keg/barrel whatever you have.

Condition for 4 weeks and enjoy. I condition in a warm room for 3 weeks then cold crash a few bottles at a time in my fridge, take them out and allow back up to room temp, and drink.

Am sure one the other lads will post the output of a recipe from beersmith or brewmate with the Alpha Acids, ABV ect thats based on the above.

Final strength could be in the 3.5% ish range.

Hope that helps typing out the methodology as its brewed rather than straight recipe and instructions, I tent to brew that way after putting a recipe through brewmate as it makes it easy for me to follow as well

good luck

Crush one between your palms and have a smell, tells you about the aroma, also have a taste.

Back in the day Fuggles and Goldings were about the only hops available to make English style ales. A lot of commercially available English beers use some combination of Goldings and Fuggles, though I think Fuggles on it's own would only have been used in darker ales, like brown ale and mild (I haven't checked that "fact").

I think the above recipe would be good one to try, just to have a feel for how they work.
I would use them with another hop in a pale beer, or on their own in a dark beer. A brewer told me Simcoe and Fuggles is a great combo, I've yet to try it.
You can't get much simpler than this, a 12L 1040 pale ale from a certain Cotswold brewery, with Fuggles in at the boil and no late hops:

Grain Bill
1.670 kg Maris Otter Malt (84.66%)
0.162 kg Cane Sugar (8.2%)
0.141 kg Crystal 60 standard (7.14%)

Hop Bill
29.2 g Fuggles Leaf (5.7% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (2.4 g/L)

Or if you fancy something a bit more exotic, another 12L 1042 pale ale with Challenger and Fuggles. This one came out stunning, to my taste anyway.

Grain Bill
2.000 kg Maris Otter Malt (87.45%)
0.209 kg Wheat Malt (9.14%)
0.078 kg Crystal 60 standard (3.41%)

Hop Bill
24.0 g Challenger Leaf (6.1% Alpha) @ 60 Minutes (Boil) (2 g/L)
15.0 g Fuggles Leaf (5.7% Alpha) @ 10 Minutes (Boil) (1.3 g/L)
10.0 g Challenger Leaf (6.1% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Aroma) (0.8 g/L)
10.0 g Fuggles Leaf (5.7% Alpha) @ 0 Minutes (Aroma) (0.8 g/L)
I would make a Bitter as per 5 points brewery Best Bitter, this was my version and very nice it was too.

OG 1.048, FG 1.012 ABV 4.3% EBC 17.5 IBU: 39

2.7Kgs 88% Muntons Maris Otter
123g 4% Amber malt
123g Crystal medium
123g Malted Wheat

35g Fuggle 4.5% @ 60
18g Fuggle 4.5% @ 15
57g Fuggle 20 minute hopstand @ 80 degrees

0.5 Whirfloc @ 5 mins

Yeast WLP013

Fermentation 4 days at 19 deg. 1 day at 20 deg. 9 days at 21 deg.

Water Profile along the lines of Burton on Trent
Ca 187, Mg 41, Na 39, Cl 86, SO4 481, HCO3 95
Any English ale of a pale, bitter, brown or dark style suits fuggles.
On its own it's good, mix it with a bit of challenger or goldings and it will be amazing

Truly traditional British hop for a traditional British beer

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