Alastair70s brewdays

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JFYI, I don't cold crash my lagers:
- I've heard Jamil Zainasheff say more than once that lager yeasts can generate off flavours if you cool them too quickly - I think he suggests one degree (and I assume that's degrees F!) per day!!! I'm too impatient to wait that long!

Right.. So I might dump my yeast out of the fermenter and lower it one degree a day until it's down to 4 and then leave it at that for a few days just to get the last bit of yeast out.

My Czech Dark Lager recipe is here and I'm very pleased with it 👍🍻

Excellent.. Cheers, I'll give that a try at some point.

if you watch the series of videos on YouTube that The Malt Miller did with Budvar you'll find Budvar don't do a diacetyl rest, they just keep it at 10⁰C or so.
I've watched those.. Interesting series, especially the poring of the beer.. My those taps are expansive :eek: Not sure I could go down the hassle of the decoction though.

Apologies to @Alastair70 for hijacking your thread.
I've watched those.. Interesting series, especially the poring of the beer.. My those taps are expansive :eek:
Haha, yeah I thought that too - holy moly, HOW MUCH???!!!
Not sure I could go down the hassle of the decoction though.
I've done it once, earlier this year - I think it's worth doing even if only once just so you know rather than going on what you've read and heard
Apologies to @Alastair70 for hijacking your thread.
Haha - yeah, sorry dude (but I know you're just as nerdy and obsessive over this stuff so I figure you'll be ok with it 😂)
The ferm zone is full, Munich Dunkel on the left, Czech Pils on the right.
And to think I once said “I didn’t start brewing beer so I could make fecking lager”.
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A few years ago a remember saying to this guy who used to come to homebrew club ( he was into Euro beers and lager) that I would never brew lager. Now I would say my preference is definitely towards Euro hopped beers more than American hopped beers and definitely loving quality lager.
@SMP Brewery @matt76 Enjoying the lager chat, that’s what brewday threads are all about.
Czech Pils update, 2 1/2 weeks in and it’s most of the way there. You could see the steady stream of CO2 bubbles from fermentation in the trial jar, particularly as it warmed up, which was quite cool.

First brewday of 2024. It's always good to get your lagers going early so it's a Munich Helles today.

Soundtrack: Tool, Porcupine Tree, Opeth

Water - slightly bitter profile
Ca 52, Mg 16, Cl 80, SO4 142

4.25kg Weyermann Bohemian Pilsner
350g Weyermann Munich II
100g Weyermann Melanoidin malt

Step Mash
30min - 62C
30min - 70C
10min - 75C

17g Mandarina Bavaria 8.5%AA - 60min (16IBU)
8g Saaz lupomax 8.4%AA - 15min (4IBU)

1/2 tab Protoflac - 15min

WLP860 Munich Helles

OG 1.054, EBC 9, IBU 20

I was heading for a significant overshoot on OG, so topped up the kettle with 1.5L water at the end of the boil. 22L in the fermenter at 1.054, it'll sit at 9C for 4 weeks before kegging.
Got the Czech Pils kegged and on gas while brewing, so it's been a productive day.

How long do you think you'll hold out before tapping the Czech Pils? 😉😈😇

Helles looks nice and clear already 👍

Out of interest, once you're done chilling the wort, do you let the crud settle out or just transfer everything over to the FV?
The ‘Heavy Bevvie’ got brewed today, it can do its thing while I’m away next week and still have a good 4 weeks or so to condition before the collaborative swap in March. I switched up the Pale Chocolate to full colour to keep BrewFather happy, but looking at the end result it was an unnecessary step. I tweaked the grain bill from the Zamil recipe in Brewing Classic Styles, the 20%+ crystal malt scared me a bit, and stuck with a water profile that should help balance any added sweetness.

Soundtrack: Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree front man, I am particularly loving his solo output at the minute)

Water 23L Batch

Ca 100, Mg14, Cl 78, SO4 148, HCO 72

3kg Pale Malt
400g Dinghams Cara MD 50
250g Munich I
150g Cara Munich II
150g Melanoidin
85g Chocolate malt

Mash - Single Infusion
60mins 67C
10mins 75C


24g EKG - 60min (15IBU)

Brewferm Top - 2 sachets

22L in FV at 1.046, a slight overshoot. I’ll need to up my efficiency in BrewFather.

Had a busy couple of months, but back at it today. Brewed a 19L batch of Bière De Garde, over a month later than planned. Had to switch yeast as the Kölsch yeast I was going to use was end of life. Went with GEB’s own brand chico and will ferment cool to keep it clean.

Soundtrack: Porcupine Tree, Steven Wilson

Water - amber balanced profile
Ca 147, Mg 10, Cl 149, SO4 163, HCO 91

2kg Boho Pilsner
2kg Pale Malt
405g Aromatic Malt
150g Torrified Oats
30g Chocolate Malt
30g CaraRed
405g Cane Sugar late boil addition

63C 60min
Mashout 75C 5min

70 minute boil
14g Magnum 70min
1/2 protoflac 15min

Fermoale AY04

19L in FV as planned, all numbers hit spot on.

After the madness of the last few weeks, I finally found time for a brewday. No.2 son is off to Oz in a few months so I need to knock out a couple of his favorites for the send off. Today's brew is an Irish Red with a tweak, a touch of chocolate rye for a bit of added complexity.
Unfortunately, after 70+ brews the GF pump died at the start of cooling. I ended up cooling the batch to 60C with an immersion chiller and transfering the batch to FV with a big jug. It's cooling via glycol chiller to pitching temp at the minute.

Soundtrack: Blackfied, Slash (the new album is a Dad Rock triumph)

Ca 100, Mg 10, SO4 87, Cl 110

Fermentables (23L batch)
4.5kg Dinghams Pale Ale
100g CaraAmber
100g CaraMunich II
75g Crisp Low Colour Chocolate
50g Chocolate Rye

60min at 67C
10min at 75C

15g Magnum 60min
25g Fuggles 15min

Fermoale AY3 - 18C for 2 weeks

OG 1.050, IBU 25, EBC 23, expected FG 1.012, expected ABV 5.0 %

After the madness of the last few weeks, I finally found time for a brewday. No.2 son is off to Oz in a few months so I need to knock out a couple of his favorites for the send off. Today's brew is an Irish Red with a tweak, a touch of chocolate rye for a bit of added complexity.
Unfortunately, after 70+ brews the GF pump died at the start of cooling. I ended up cooling the batch to 60C with an immersion chiller and transfering the batch to FV with a big jug. It's cooling via glycol chiller to pitching temp at the minute.

Soundtrack: Blackfied, Slash (the new album is a Dad Rock triumph)

Ca 100, Mg 10, SO4 87, Cl 110

Fermentables (23L batch)
4.5kg Dinghams Pale Ale
100g CaraAmber
100g CaraMunich II
75g Crisp Low Colour Chocolate
50g Chocolate Rye

60min at 67C
10min at 75C

15g Magnum 60min
25g Fuggles 15min

Fermoale AY3 - 18C for 2 weeks

OG 1.050, IBU 25, EBC 23, expected FG 1.012, expected ABV 5.0 %

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Sounds like a grim end to the brew day.. replacement pump or treating yourself to a new system? Got to be a new system?😜
I managed to squeeze in a user upper brew day today. Hoping to turn a pseudo lager around in 4 weeks for No.2 son's send off to Oz. Code named Kölsh-ish, it's nothing like a kölsch!

Soundtrack: Paulo Nutini, Cigarettes After Sex

Ca 67, Mg 6, Cl 50, SO4 70

Fermentables (21L batch)
4kg of the mis-match of Pilsner Malt, mostly Weyermann Boho and Eraclea
250g Munich I
250g Wheat Malt

Step mash
63C - 45min
72C - 30min
77C - 10min

40g Tettnang - 60min
20g Tettnang - 20min

MJ California Lager - 1 sachet

OG 1.060, EBC 7, IBU 28

All in all, a very enjoyable brewday. Need to up my efficiency in Brewfather, this is another slight overshoot on OG, but who's counting!


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