Oxygenation - oxidisation during wort racking

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Yes but open vessels dont mean the fermenting beer is exposed to air...the Krausen protects the beer from the air and before the Krausen subsides and drops the beer is transferred to another vessel to avoid any contact with air.
To dispel a homebrew myth, yeast does not take up oxygen in any packaged beer, if it did brewers wouldn't go to great lengths and expense to reduce the oxygen during packaging down to 30 ppb or less. Brewers knew this when one of England's prime exports was beer to the colonies, beer barrels and bottles were inoculated with a fresh aerobic fermenting yeast to eliminate the oxygen in the casks and bottles, much the same as they do today in bottled and cask-conditioned beers.
It would be grouse if yeast could continue to use up oxygen in a brewing scenario we could shake and splash the beer all we liked without a worry in the world about getting oxidised beer.

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