Trying a Kveik

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Feb 13, 2017
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Czech Republic
I got a packet of Lallemand Voss kveik yeast and I have no idea what to do with it, nor if I can even push up my fermentation temp that high....

But if I do I was planning something like this:

20l boil / 16l batch

Pilsner 3.25kg approx 70%
Oats 500g 10%
Wheat 500g 10%
Flaked barley 250% 5%
carapils 250g 5%

Ariana 25g @15min 26ibu
Mandarina 25g@5min 10 ibu
Ariana 25g @switch off
Mandarina 25g @switch off

Ariana 50g dry hop
Mandarina 50g dry hop
Lallemand Voss (Kveik)

Any comments or suggestions? Maybe push the 15min addition to 5mins too?
Kveik can be pitched high say upto 35c but you do not need tp keep it at that temp it's entirely upto yourself.
I usually pitch high and let it slowly freefall in temp it will be done in a day or two generally at the higher temps or you can keep it at a constant high temp if you think it suits you better.
At the higher temps it will throw orangey tropical flavours so ideal at the higher temp if you are doing a IPA etc or lower temps for less orange.
I would pick your brews to suit the flavours it gives so would be ok for something like bitters/ales with a little orange taste at lower temps.
It is totally flexible but like all yeasts it can give esters the only way is to try it.
Ps it does not need to clean up as much as most other style of yeasts so a quicker turnaround is possible
I just tried my first and last Kveik.
I did a Simply lager kit with 1kg DME. I followed the instructions to hydrate the Voss packet and pitched it into my fermenter at about 23C.
I had the temperature set to warm up to 28C and left it at 7pm last night
I could see some foaming around 11pm.
By 5am I had 20L of wort on the floor as the fermenter had been emptied through the blowoff.
Never again!
I'd avoid doing what most do, in assuming kveik is just another brewing yeast. Avoid ignore it's history, how it's typically used. Avoid making beers that can be made with a more suitable beer for that style, without first experiencing what Voss brings to the party. You might not need those malts and hops to make an interesting and flavoursome beer, and do it without disaster.
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Never had a problem with Kveik and the new Novolager yeast is very good I made a mexican lager and left it for 4 months.
Best Lager i have made by a mile.
Voss is Uber. I get peach and melon at lower temps and OJ overload at 30+c

I just use extralight DME and bittering hops of choice. Kviek would certainly overpower mandarina Bavaria.
I’ve got cml Voss on a smoked beer at the moment. An adaptation of a previous beer I made (also with Voss) and it was great.
I just tried my first and last Kveik.
I did a Simply lager kit with 1kg DME. I followed the instructions to hydrate the Voss packet and pitched it into my fermenter at about 23C.
I had the temperature set to warm up to 28C and left it at 7pm last night
I could see some foaming around 11pm.
By 5am I had 20L of wort on the floor as the fermenter had been emptied through the blowoff.
Never again!
Voss in a lager ? Nooo ! The best place for it is on the floor.
If I was to use a kveik in a lager it would be Lutra ! And ferment with pressure to suppress the kraussen.
I have never had the Kveik(CML dry pitch) I use empty my fermenter, how much head space have you in your FV as you do need room for vigorous yeast strains of which there are many.
I too would not use Kveik in a lager, if you want something in the new style try Novolager
Dropping the temp slows down the time it takes to ferment out and reduces the orangey flavours apart from that I can not see any other thing detrimental to this yeast as diacetyl is not too much of a worry athumb..