Bottle washing and sanitising

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Nov 21, 2023
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So for some time now I have been washing my bottles using Puro Oxy for a ten minute steep and bottle brushing followed by rinsing three times with clean tap water and then flushing each bottle with Star San solution then draining the StarSan prior to bottling.The other day I was cleaning a container which had had Starsan in it and the container was what I would call coated with a film of what I assume was Starsan on it. It took some washing off! I sort of feel uncomfortable with that product being in my beer and wonder if it is really needed as for years I used to wash my bottles with Chempro then rinse and fill and never had a problem with spoiled beer. I have a batch of beer ready to bottle and am thinking of missing out on the Starsan rinsing and jusr relying on the Puro Oxy and a good rinse with clean water but would like to know what others do when they bottle their beer. Is Starsan, or any sanitiser really needed after a good clean and rinse ?
I use VWP on my bottles (Cooper PET bottles). 10 mins soak, good rinse and then bottle. The bottles also get a water rinse after drinking. I know some people don't clean, only use starsan but I can't bring myself to do that. And if I am going to the effort if cleaning them VWP does a good job and there is no need to use starsan. It rinses off easily and never had tainted beer from it.
I wash then drain my bottles upside-down in bottle racks, then when dry put them in crates with a piece of foil over the top of each bottle. So on bottling day I know they're clean, and give them a rinse with starsan (couple of pumps on a vinator) just prior to filling...
After drinking I give my bottles a thorough rinsing then fill with soda crystals solution and leave to soak. No need to bottle brush.. Then rinse and drain til dry. I use cling film on the tops til bottling day. Then I cook them in the oven at 110c to sterilise for a few minutes. Glass bottles obviously.
So for some time now I have been washing my bottles using Puro Oxy for a ten minute steep and bottle brushing followed by rinsing three times with clean tap water and then flushing each bottle with Star San solution then draining the StarSan prior to bottling.The other day I was cleaning a container which had had Starsan in it and the container was what I would call coated with a film of what I assume was Starsan on it. It took some washing off! I sort of feel uncomfortable with that product being in my beer and wonder if it is really needed as for years I used to wash my bottles with Chempro then rinse and fill and never had a problem with spoiled beer. I have a batch of beer ready to bottle and am thinking of missing out on the Starsan rinsing and jusr relying on the Puro Oxy and a good rinse with clean water but would like to know what others do when they bottle their beer. Is Starsan, or any sanitiser really needed after a good clean and rinse ?

You don't need to leave the bottles filled with starsan. If you want to use sanitiser then squirt a bit in a couple of minutes before filling and then invert the bottle so most of it drains out.

Cleaning with Oxy or some other good cleaning solution and a bottle brush is all you need to do (and it's easiest to do if you don't leave the bottle to dry out). This removes any biofilm that an infectious organism could live on - hot water on its own doesn't remove this. Store the bottles with something covering the opening so you don't get dust or anything else falling inside while storing - you can get reusable plastic caps for pennies, or just stick a bit of foil over the opening.

Like you I have never found any issue with filling clean bottles without sanitising, but it might be worth it as an extra final step.

The film from starsan is almost certainly where it's been made up with harder water. It lasts for months made up with distilled/deionised or reverse osmosis water (£1.85 for 2.5 litres CarPlan deionised water from my Sainsburys), and even a couple of litres goes a long way when dispensed with a cheap 750ml-1litre spray bottle.
I've spoken about this before. I throw mine through the dishwasher then give it a rinse with VWP then water using a bottle tree.
Never had any issues with this - at the moment, I'm not using CO2 in bottles, just a spoonful of sugar.
On drinking....

1) Pour beer.

2) Swill out with water. Store until there's a batch to wash.

Bottle wash day....

3) Submerge in hot oxy for 15 minutes. Bottle brush the odd one that doesn't look spotless.

4) Drain on a bottle tree.

5) Store ready for bottling.

Bottling day....

6) Sanitise with Starsan using an avinator.

7) Drain on bottling tree.

8) Bottle.

....and back to step 1.
The film from starsan is almost certainly where it's been made up with harder water. It lasts for months made up with distilled/deionised or reverse osmosis water (£1.85 for 2.5 litres CarPlan deionised water from my Sainsburys), and even a couple of litres goes a long way when dispensed with a cheap 750ml-1litre spray bottle.

This. My water is categorised as "moderately hard" and instantly turns ChemSan cloudy, and also leaves that slimy film on any container it spends any time in. I now use Spotless Water for sanitiser solution (as well as brewing); it stays crystal clear and has made that slimy coating a thing of the past.
You don't need to leave the bottles filled with starsan. If you want to use sanitiser then squirt a bit in a couple of minutes before filling and then invert the bottle so most of it drains out.

Cleaning with Oxy or some other good cleaning solution and a bottle brush is all you need to do (and it's easiest to do if you don't leave the bottle to dry out). This removes any biofilm that an infectious organism could live on - hot water on its own doesn't remove this. Store the bottles with something covering the opening so you don't get dust or anything else falling inside while storing - you can get reusable plastic caps for pennies, or just stick a bit of foil over the opening.

Like you I have never found any issue with filling clean bottles without sanitising, but it might be worth it as an extra final step.

The film from starsan is almost certainly where it's been made up with harder water. It lasts for months made up with distilled/deionised or reverse osmosis water (£1.85 for 2.5 litres CarPlan deionised water from my Sainsburys), and even a couple of litres goes a long way when dispensed with a cheap 750ml-1litre spray bottle.
I do similar and cover my bottles with cling film till bottling day, hate using single use plastic... can you give me a link to the reuseable plastic caps please? Ive been struggling to find them.

I do similar and cover my bottles with cling film till bottling day, hate using single use plastic... can you give me a link to the reuseable plastic caps please? Ive been struggling to find them.

I've just looked and I can't find them any more either. :(

There are other options of silicone bottle caps, but they aren't in the 5p per item range. Looking on ebay you can get them closer to 25p each if you buy a job lot:
I've just looked and I can't find them any more either. :(

There are other options of silicone bottle caps, but they aren't in the 5p per item range. Looking on ebay you can get them closer to 25p each if you buy a job lot:
Ahh thanks, im sure malt miller used to stock them, i might be wrong. shame would be a useful item
The film from starsan is almost certainly where it's been made up with harder water. It lasts for months made up with distilled/deionised or reverse osmosis water (£1.85 for 2.5 litres CarPlan deionised water from my Sainsburys), and even a couple of litres goes a long way when dispensed with a cheap 750ml-1litre spray bottle.
If there's an outlet close to you. "Spotless Water"
I'm pretty slack with regard to bottle cleaning. Since getting Cornys I don't really bottle anyway but do need a few to handle the difference between a 23L kit and a 19L Corny.

When I have one of my bottled beers to drink I give the bottle a good rinse out with hot water, dry it on a bottle tree and then they just get stored in a box in the garage until I need to use them again. Preparation for bottling just entails a few pumps of StarSan from one of the bottle washer thingys (Vinator?). Never had a bad beer. Can't be doing with all that hassle just for half a dozen bottles. If one day I do get some bad beer then maybe I'll rethink 😁