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  • peebee
    It shouldn't be too critical? The CaCO3 will be happy to take on extra CO2 wherever it can find it (and then dissolve!). Great stuff...
  • peebee
    :thumbsup: Should save me from the phaffing about (one down … ).
  • peebee
    Not so obvious! You are not adding acidity, you're adding alkalinity! More phaffing?
  • peebee
    That's the phaffing bit. Deciding how much of this solution will add "what?" to the water being prepared. And you have to know when its...
  • peebee
    I've often contemplated doing this myself. It's making a solution of Calcium Bicarbonate which doesn't exist as a solid. But it's a lot...
  • peebee
    "Precipitate of chalk". The clue is in the name! "Precipitate", its done it once, it'll just do it again. Though if you add the chalk...
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread old Guy still learning new tricks.
    (Psst ... if you've got any new tricks to share, don't have to be 'bout beer, do tell us?). ("Us"? I really mean "me") (who you talking...
  • peebee
    Another! Poor guy will be getting a "persecution complex". Sorry, didn't pick that up, but I don't take much notice of these "too minor...
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Angram CQ.
    Okay. If you agree I'll PM my address. Stick your "Northern" spout in a jiffy bag (size to take the above nozzle) with your return...
    • 1729873607632.jpeg
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Angram CQ.
    You can get extensions too. I've got two long ones, trouble with them is glass can't fit under nozzle with drip tray in place. I use...
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Angram CQ.
    I've spare "Northern Pours" (I got the short ones for me). But motivating me to put one or two in the post will take some thinking ...
  • peebee
    peebee replied to the thread Beer Engine Sunk Into A Fridge?.
    That's a terrible "advert"! "The most important aspect of serving cask ale is for the temperature to be correct, i.e., 50-56 degrees F"...
  • peebee
    peebee reacted to Stu's Brews's post in the thread Stout hasn't reached final gravity with Like Like.
    Maybe just a poorly written sentence on my behalf... I meant that those are two things that a brewer can control: You can influence...
  • peebee
    peebee reacted to Stu's Brews's post in the thread Stout hasn't reached final gravity with Like Like.
    There seems to be a lot of confusion in this thread about what gravity points, PPG and fermentability mean, to try and provide some...
  • peebee
    Nice summary. Sound conclusion. Just one slip I could see: "... two of the key tools ...". There's only one! The other, for "high and...