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      becca replied to the thread Home made wine.
      Oh right, I didn't like to add anything once I had the original mix, reading your post makes sense though. I have a glut of strawberries...
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      becca reacted to MashBag's post in the thread Home made wine with Love Love.
      We have a winner. The sherry taste is oxygenation. Best to ignore fermentations once they have started, unless there is fruit solids in...
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      becca reacted to jof's post in the thread Home made wine with Love Love.
      The thing to remember is: Beer brewers take about 6 weeks to finished product. So they can adjust & refine their techniques quite...
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      becca replied to the thread Home made wine.
      Not at the moment, will make sure put less sugar in next time.e so not as strong, thank u for your advice
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      becca replied to the thread Home made wine.
      Thank u,will do that this weekend and just leave it, see how it turns out!!!
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      becca replied to the thread Home made wine.
      Using a 10 litre wine bucket, started with 9 litres so plenty of room at top, lost some with during fermentation stirred and it went a...
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      becca replied to the thread Home made wine.
      Can bottle and stick in the shed for a few months and see how it goes, thanks
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      becca reacted to jof's post in the thread Home made wine with Like Like.
      If it doesn't taste nice, then you need to think. Would it be possible to add something to improve it (I think unlikely) Do you keep...
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      becca reacted to jof's post in the thread Home made wine with Like Like.
      The question is: is the sherry taste acceptable? The clarity will eventually come with time. Probably months of it given that pineapple...
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      becca replied to the thread Home made wine.
      Hi, hard to say, dry, fortified flavour, leaves a warm feeling after swallowing, like a brandy type drink
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      becca replied to the thread Home made wine.
      I did degass but tbh, hardly any co2 in compared to the kits previously used. Taste not really nice, had shot glass, but wouldn't be...
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      I have just made a wine using fruit juice and sugar, grape juice, apple and mango, pineapple juice. After fermentation added a...
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