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  1. B

    Fermenting wine

    I do buts it's a bit difficult to see through the demijohn, think the carrot one quite strong!!!!
  2. B

    Fermenting wine

    I have made some carrot wine, in a fermenting bucket for 2 weeks, racked into a demi john, and 2 weeks later still fermenting, how long to u think it needs before bottling. Just done a blackberry and apple wine, that has been in bucket for a week, racked and in demi John's, wandering how long...
  3. B

    Home made wine

    Oh right, I didn't like to add anything once I had the original mix, reading your post makes sense though. I have a glut of strawberries will be using in a month or so will learn from errors 😄
  4. B

    Home made wine

    Not at the moment, will make sure put less sugar in next time.e so not as strong, thank u for your advice
  5. B

    Home made wine

    Thank u,will do that this weekend and just leave it, see how it turns out!!!
  6. B

    Home made wine

    Using a 10 litre wine bucket, started with 9 litres so plenty of room at top, lost some with during fermentation stirred and it went a bit mad and bubbled out of bucket, lost a litre that way, racked twice so now down to around 7 litres. Last time checked hydrometer, it was touching bottom of...
  7. B

    Home made wine

    Can bottle and stick in the shed for a few months and see how it goes, thanks
  8. B

    Home made wine

    Hi, hard to say, dry, fortified flavour, leaves a warm feeling after swallowing, like a brandy type drink
  9. B

    Home made wine

    I did degass but tbh, hardly any co2 in compared to the kits previously used. Taste not really nice, had shot glass, but wouldn't be able to have a wine glass, that's why thinking of adding something for the taste, have used finings, not sure whether to add more or benotite, thanks
  10. B

    Home made wine

    I have just made a wine using fruit juice and sugar, grape juice, apple and mango, pineapple juice. After fermentation added a stabiliser. It has not cleared properly and has a sherry like taste. Should I add a bottle of shop bought wine to change taste and do I need to add some benotite to...