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    • Slid
      That's what I was planning on doing which lead me here...wasn't sure if there was a way you could really cock up. Some videos show...
    • Slid
      Picture from my daughter in Glasgow
    • Slid
      Slid replied to the thread Brewferm cherry ale.
      It is a 12L kit, so if you want it less strong, add water at any stage
    • Slid
      Slid reacted to Bitter_Dave's post in the thread Geordie Winter Warmer with Like Like.
      Erm, it depends on the kit and how bitter you want the beer to be. If you want the beer to be more bitter go ahead and use two kits...
    • Slid
      Slid replied to the thread Saying Hello.
      Yes, John, I am also sorry to hear of your loss. Please do try to find a new hobby or pursuit that takes your mind off the bad things...
    • Slid
      Slid replied to the thread Geordie Winter Warmer.
      Kits do not have much bittering and doubling up will not give you much of a bitter beer. Even doing two Stout kits does not give a lot...
    • Slid
      Slid replied to the thread Geordie Winter Warmer.
      I would get two of these and brew to 25L, with an addition of 500g to 1kg sugar. On the other hand, I do have rather a simplistic an...
    • Slid
      I routinely re-use yeast by decanting the trub into 250ml bottles and even though I seem to get very good attenuation, the 250ml bottles...
    • Slid
      Slid reacted to The Baron's post in the thread Stout popularity soars. with Like Like.
      Yep WI porter is the best Guinness much better than big G
    • Slid
      Slid reacted to jof's post in the thread James Morton Dry Paddy Porter with Like Like.
      One of my own, I call it miserable git. 4.5kg base malt. 250g choc malt. 200g crystal malt. 15g magnum at the start of boil. 30g...
    • Slid
      Slid replied to the thread New to the hobby.
      Leaking beer around the place is a standard mistake for everyone. Like most mistakes, the more times you make them, the less often you...
    • Slid
      Slid replied to the thread Excess Trub.
      I learnt a trick through necessity some time ago. At the end of the boil, I transfer the wort, using a large jug, via a BIAB bag into...
    • Slid
      Slid reacted to MattN's post in the thread Homebrew twang with Like Like.
      I bought two cans with the intention of doing a toucan not long after I started. Then I read somewhere that it wasn't a great idea (on...
    • Slid
      Slid replied to the thread What are you drinking tonight 2024..
      Just drinking my beer - last before bed is a Belgian Golden Strong. A tad dark for the style, but great at 5-6 months old.
    • Slid
      Slid reacted to RichardM's post in the thread Storm Darragh with Like Like.
      I'm in Cardiff. It's raining here. The red warning for wind is 3am to 11am tomorrow. parkrun cancelled and Cardiff's game at home to...
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