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    • hoppyscotty
      Put it this way…the value of brewdog is about the same as Molson Coors’ annual marketing budget. And the value of Heineken is well over...
    • hoppyscotty
      Not what I said at all. I was merely pointing out that the relative size of brewdog and the big macros is so different that they are not...
    • hoppyscotty
      We all like what we like for different reasons that’s the beauty of beer. Chances are if you’re curious you’ll find at least one beer...
    • hoppyscotty
      Its no surprise really - I suffer from gout and have done for a few years, when i first got it i found through a process of...
    • hoppyscotty
      Not sure about this. Might be the case in some parts of the country, but around where I am there is a huge demand for local beers and...
    • hoppyscotty
      Well my process that seems to work fine is to immediately use the most focussed water jet from my hose nozzle to wash off the majority...
    • hoppyscotty
      I accidentally ordered the wrong oats for my last batch, wanted flaked, got torrified. Didn't make much of a difference, the beer turned...
    • hoppyscotty
      hoppyscotty replied to the thread Death by cycle..
      Exactly. It looks like a track bike with a fixed hub... trendy amongst some of the more 'aggressive' city cyclist types. They insist...
    • hoppyscotty
      hoppyscotty reacted to Chippy_Tea's post in the thread Death by cycle. with Like Like.
      Well said that man, i really don't get how some members don't see these basic highway code rules are being broken by the cyclist...
    • hoppyscotty
      hoppyscotty replied to the thread Death by cycle..
      Turning right when you drive on the right is the same as turning left in the UK, you have right of way. In the UK when you're returning...
    • hoppyscotty
      hoppyscotty replied to the thread Death by cycle..
      It think that’s the cyclists fault. Never go up the inside of a car at a junction or undertake a car at a junction. Just basic. Also he...
    • hoppyscotty
      hoppyscotty replied to the thread Electric cars..
      What makes you think they'll selective about the tax just for electricity for cars? They're in the process of demonising the use of all...
    • hoppyscotty
      hoppyscotty replied to the thread Electric cars..
      I charge form home on the standard rate, so no cheap tariff and it is cheaper than previous ICE cars by quite a bit. But the charges are...
    • hoppyscotty
      hoppyscotty replied to the thread Electric cars..
      Because this has everything to do with tax revenues and imposing more control, and nothing to do with saving the planet or emissions. It...
    • hoppyscotty
      hoppyscotty replied to the thread Spotless Water..
      Mostly true I'd say, especially in the UK...I'd say consistency is important...your water company only needs to provide you with water...
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