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    • Galena
      Galena replied to the thread Gas Leak.
      I'm going to keep turning the cylinder off now except when serving, I may try a new nylon washer.
    • Galena
      Galena reacted to Larse's post in the thread Gas Leak with Like Like.
      There will still be pressure in the system. The pressure in the kegs will be pushing back on the regulator.
    • Galena
      Galena replied to the thread Gas Leak.
      But if the cylinder valve is closed and the gauge drops to empty, but the 2 regulator valves still show pressure?
    • Galena
      Galena replied to the thread Gas Leak.
      Thanks, logical idea I'll start with that.
    • Galena
      So I lost a full bottle of CO2 left turned on and connected to 3 cornies. I regularly check for leaks by spraying with Starsan to all...
      • 20241029_094824.jpg
    • Galena
      Indeed, not sure when I said that but I have come to realise that Brulosophy experiments are not remotely scientific. l
    • Galena
      Galena replied to the thread No rinse no foam sanitisers.
    • Galena
      It's just a last cash grab and then out, never did like the bloke tbh so won't be watching though I am sure there are many who will.
    • Galena
      Galena replied to the thread Ignore, can't delete.
      No don't do that, I'm still ignoring this one.
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