Sheffield Home Brew Club

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Have you thought about the Sentinel Brewery? Been on the brewery tour and they were friendly chaps. Fairly close to the station and there is a meeting room too if they wanted us out of the way! If we’re lucky we might get some freebies like yeast. athumb..
Sentinel would be a decent venue. They are currently only open Wed, Fri & Sat though unfortunately.
Oh right, that’s a shame. Is that a recent change? Just noticed on their website that there is new management.
Oh right, that’s a shame. Is that a recent change? Just noticed on their website that there is new management.
The bar shut down (temporarily) a few months ago, whilst the brewery side of things carried on. It reopened just before xmas, so let's hope their financial woes are behind them.
I’m still not clear if the ‘new’ senteniel is a Phoenix job or not. Either way I always found it a pretty cold and uninviting venue.

I don’t think they’ll last much longer.
The situation so far...I've not heard anything from the pubs I've asked about using as venues :(
I could ring them up but I would prefer to pop in and ask them in person but haven't had the time as yet.
If anyone is up for a meeting next week (Wed or Thurs) we could meet in the Shef Tap and, as Bigcol49 suggests, show them that we're there to drink their beer as well as our own (we could bring a bottle or two each just in case they do give the go ahead).
Anyone up for that?
The situation so far...I've not heard anything from the pubs I've asked about using as venues :(
I could ring them up but I would prefer to pop in and ask them in person but haven't had the time as yet.
If anyone is up for a meeting next week (Wed or Thurs) we could meet in the Shef Tap and, as Bigcol49 suggests, show them that we're there to drink their beer as well as our own (we could bring a bottle or two each just in case they do give the go ahead).
Anyone up for that?
Yes I’m in, if it’s thursday.

My beer is generally ***** so I won’t be inflicting it on anybody, so I’m happy to roll up to the tap for a normal drinking session.
I cannot as I am travelling work related, please don't let this stop any arrangements as I am sure by going there (whoever turns up) at least you can have a conversation with the bar staff and see how receptive they are to the idea. May be worth just doing it as a normal drinking session put names to faces and then don't alienate with the venue on first visit!
Yeah, a normal session first sounds like a good plan. Shame you can't make it uDicko, but hope we'll see you soon with a report on your first voyages with the Grainfather!
Yea sorry. I'm in Ipswich Tuesday and travelling back Thursday eve. Sucks but hey... I get paid!
Yeah, a normal session first sounds like a good plan. Shame you can't make it uDicko, but hope we'll see you soon with a report on your first voyages with the Grainfather!
Brewing with a mate this weekend ... No doubt it'll be a bit of a clusterf**k. Will definitely report back
It’ll be fine. Knocking off the filter is the worst thing and it will happen sometime. It’s a rite of passage.

Ps I never bothered cleaning it before first brew. And I’m still here. But this is one reason I won’t be asking for feedback from the new brew club!
Yep can do. Sorry I didn't get a notification, good job I manually checked in to the thread!

I'm going to speak to the bank tomorrow to see about a second mortgage so I might manage a second pint in the tap :-) (worth it though)
Hi, sorry, only just picked this up. What time? Can do Thursday and bring a couple of bottles too.

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