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Jun 10, 2019
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on the island
What it wrong with religion and why does it cause so many conflicts around the world, i was christened c of e it means nothing to me i don't give a s--t what you are or who you prey to that's your choice, my late mil laid the law down that her kids would not be brought up as catholics wtf does it matter i just don't get it. i remember our first born we decided to have him christened c of e what a palaver, vic came round do you attend church me no why cos it means jack s--t to me but, it means he will have a choice when he is older, to me religion is bollocks that does not mean i deplore anyone who goes to church that is fine by me and i respect it, what are the collective thoughts on the forum, so to all who do attend may your god go with you
I suppose for monotheism based religions of which there are many, whose god is the true god? Whilst I am not religious I see how religions can stoke conflict.

Which monothieism deity is the correct one ? Because everyone else's belief in a different deity is wrong. If you believe in this.

The Roman & Greek approach had a more workable approach.... polytheism.

Although if a storm on the mediterranean sunk a boat full of wine... Which god was responsible for that? Posidon or Bacchus. - Maybe with bacchus it could have been a case of sour grapes :coat:
I am also C of E but never go to church, I am glad we live in a country where we are allowed to believe whatever we like and worship whatever God we believe in.
What it wrong with religion and why does it cause so many conflicts around the world, i was christened c of e it means nothing to me i don't give a s--t what you are or who you prey to that's your choice, my late mil laid the law down that her kids would not be brought up as catholics wtf does it matter i just don't get it. i remember our first born we decided to have him christened c of e what a palaver, vic came round do you attend church me no why cos it means jack s--t to me but, it means he will have a choice when he is older, to me religion is ******** that does not mean i deplore anyone who goes to church that is fine by me and i respect it, what are the collective thoughts on the forum, so to all who do attend may your god go with you
WTF does this have to do with Homebrewing!!!
What I don’t understand is this, we live in a time when it is perfectly acceptable to challenge, question or even ridicule people on which political dogma they support or which football team they support. But for some reason their choice of religion has to be treated like delicate porcelain.
What I don’t understand is this, we live in a time when it is perfectly acceptable to challenge, question or even ridicule people on which political dogma they support or which football team they support. But for some reason their choice of religion has to be treated like delicate porcelain.
Religion? A doctrine made up to manipulate the gullible, and make money. Humans are by nature trusting, they believe what they are told. Is it any wonder advertising and bloggers didn't get in on the act? Only about 5% to 10% of the people will question advertising, blogging, and in general misinformation offered on the internet.
Old Albert famously said, 'Question everything'! But 95% of folk don't. Very sad.
It's too early to discuss religion (maybe not for foxy).

But I think it's very tribal & not all holy advice for tribal survival from thousands of years ago is relevant today, or applicable when the tribes size is a big proportion of the planets population smeared across the globe that no longer share the same origins.
What I don’t understand is this, we live in a time when it is perfectly acceptable to challenge, question or even ridicule people on which political dogma they support or which football team they support. But for some reason their choice of religion has to be treated like delicate porcelain.

So are destillation and religion related then 🤣
What it wrong with religion and why does it cause so many conflicts around the world, i was christened c of e it means nothing to me i don't give a s--t what you are or who you prey to that's your choice, my late mil laid the law down that her kids would not be brought up as catholics wtf does it matter i just don't get it. i remember our first born we decided to have him christened c of e what a palaver, vic came round do you attend church me no why cos it means jack s--t to me but, it means he will have a choice when he is older, to me religion is ******** that does not mean i deplore anyone who goes to church that is fine by me and i respect it, what are the collective thoughts on the forum, so to all who do attend may your god go with youhe
Anyone who is baptised is baptised a Christian, not a Catholic or CofE or anything else. If that person converts from one denomination to another, there is no need to be rebaptised as baptism is once and for all. The early theologians considered baptism to be so important that anyone could do it provided a minimum ritual was carried out. Even a non-believer can baptise provided they intend to do what the Church does when doing a baptism. This is because it was thought that nobody could be saved except through Jesus.
According to the Church, your lad doesn't have a choice any longer since baptism is indelible so he is permanently consecrated to Christ.

Complete load of old tosh, isn't it!
WTF does this have to do with Homebrewing!!!
Everything. The success or failure of your brew is a direct consequence of your relationship to the gods.
You even inoculate your wort with Godisgoode to start the fermentation.

Bread and ale, both packed with calories and nutrients, lay at the heart of all diets, and ale barm was so vital that it was sometimes known as godisgoode 'bicause it cometh of the grete grace of God'.