Fill in the blanks - Football Based

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Apr 8, 2019
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This is a good one for football fans. Can you fill in the missing blanks with the appropriate English, Scottish or Welsh football teams. I’ve done the first one for you.

The sun shone …BRIGHTON... the day my sister, my mother and I set sail for the ……………. in a very old ship, its …………… had several holes. The names of the ………. members who had been with the company for years were: Don, Mont, Kirk and Bart (who unfortunately could not speak ). The cabin boy was called ………. and it was his job to ……… the boilers. He was illiterate but won our ………. with his ……….. efforts to improve his ……….. He was sent to ………. by the others.

Not having been paid ……. too long they were very unhappy and became disillusioned and on the second ………….. of the voyage they obtained arms by breaking into the ………... and mutineered. They were a rowdy bunch and after a drinking session they did infact ………… furniture.

Although they treated my …………., they did not take to my sister at all and ……………. adrift on a raft. I was terrified and hid in my cabin with the …….. the door.

The crew raided the larder, but all they found was some smelly ……….. So hungry were they that they ate almost the …………. Then seeking to quench their thirst, they forced open the drinks cabinet. Finding that they did not ……….. they opted for a small drink of whiskey. "Right," said Kirk, "with …………. in hand, I'll climb the rigging to see if we can sight land." "Watch you don't ……….. " said his mate.

Meanwhile the others had found a …………. treasure. It was easy to open as the chain securing it had only one ………….. At this moment the ship began to sink. ………….. quickly "Get …………….. deck to give me a hand." he shouted, and together they lifted the ………….. to a raft.

We landed …………. in the day on the ………… of the island below the hills where the natives ………….. their dead. We entered a dense ………… where the ……… roamed freely. Near the …………. there were signs that someone had been there recently as a ………….. had been built next to the harbour.

There had obviously been a fire as ………….. marks were clearly visible on all the buildings and a horrible smell of smoke hung in the …………. "I wonder where this road ……………. us?", said Kirk, and although the crew were very tired they ………….. with their search for survivors. After a days journey, we caught some dark fish in a ………….. and tried unsuccessfully to get milk from a herd of wild cows. They were unwilling to have their …………………..

At last we found the home of Hawaii's monarch the …………….. She greeted us with a friendly …………… but was very upset as her …………… had been smashed when the ………….. fell down. She was forced to live in a sumptuous …………….

At this moment I awoke ! ……………….. be any of you worried, it had all been a terrible nightmare, caused I think by …………… 'Treasure Island' before I went to sleep.
Not having been paid …FORFAR…. too long they were very unhappy and became disillusioned and on the second ……WEDNESDAY?…….. of the voyage they obtained arms by breaking into the …ARSENAL……... and mutineered. They were a rowdy bunch and after a drinking session they did infact ………… furniture.

I thought could have had BRECHIN to the ARSENAL..... 🤣

The sun shone …BRIGHTON... the day my sister, my mother and I set sail for the …ORIENT or PORTS MOUTH.. in a very old ship, its …HULL… had several holes. The names of the …CREW…. members who had been with the company for years were: Don, Mont, Kirk and Bart (who unfortunately could not speak ). The cabin boy was called …PETER BOROUGH. and it was his job to …STOKE the boilers. He was illiterate but won our …HEARTS……. with his …STIRLING…….. efforts to improve his …READING…….. He was sent to …COVENTRY……. by the others.

Not having been paid …FORFAR…. too long they were very unhappy and became disillusioned and on the second …WEDNESDAY….. of the voyage they obtained arms by breaking into the …ARSENAL... and mutineered. They were a rowdy bunch and after a drinking session they did infact ………… furniture.

Although they treated my …………., they did not take to my sister at all and ……………. adrift on a raft. I was terrified and hid in my cabin with the …….. the door.

The crew raided the larder, but all they found was some smelly ……….. So hungry were they that they ate almost the …………. Then seeking to quench their thirst, they forced open the drinks cabinet. Finding that they did not ……….. they opted for a small drink of whiskey. "Right," said Kirk, "with …………. in hand, I'll climb the rigging to see if we can sight land." "Watch you don't ……….. " said his mate.

Meanwhile the others had found a …………. treasure. It was easy to open as the chain securing it had only one ………….. At this moment the ship began to sink. ………….. quickly "Get …………….. deck to give me a hand." he shouted, and together they lifted the ………….. to a raft.

We landed …………. in the day on the ………… of the island below the hills where the natives ………….. their dead. We entered a dense ………… where the ……… roamed freely. Near the …………. there were signs that someone had been there recently as a ………….. had been built next to the harbour.

There had obviously been a fire as ………….. marks were clearly visible on all the buildings and a horrible smell of smoke hung in the …………. "I wonder where this road ……………. us?", said Kirk, and although the crew were very tired they ………….. with their search for survivors. After a days journey, we caught some dark fish in a ………….. and tried unsuccessfully to get milk from a herd of wild cows. They were unwilling to have their …………………..

At last we found the home of Hawaii's monarch the …………….. She greeted us with a friendly …………… but was very upset as her …………… had been smashed when the ………….. fell down. She was forced to live in a sumptuous …………….

At this moment I awoke ! ……………….. be any of you worried, it had all been a terrible nightmare, caused I think by …………… 'Treasure Island' before I went to sleep.