GravityMon an alternative software for the iSpindle Hardware

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user 44692

New Member
Jan 28, 2022
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I would like to introduce an alternative software for the iSpindle. Over the last year I have been creating an alternative software for the iSpindle which is fully open source. It has features that have been requested but never implemented in the original iSpindle software. Installation can be done via the option. I have used this software on my iSpindle for the last 10 brews with good results. I have spent a lot of effort on optimizing the code so the battery life is really good. With a 30s update frequency (300+ seconds is recommended) it lasted 12 days.

Any feedback on feature or functionallity is appreciated.

The documenation can be found here: GravityMon 0.7.0 documentation

Features include:
  • Operates in two modes gravity monitoring and configuration mode (simplify calibration)
  • Modern web based UI for configuration (in config mode) - no need to put the device in
  • Send data to multiple endpoints when pushing data (2xhttp, brewfather, influxdb v2, mqtt supported)
  • Ability to customize the dataformat being sent to http endpoints
  • Automatic temperature adjustment of gravity reading
  • OTA support from local webserver
  • Built in function to create gravity formulas, no need for additional software, just enter tilt/gravity.
  • Visual graph showing how formula will be interpreted
  • Using the temperature sensor in gyro instead of DS18B20 (faster)
  • Built in performance measurements (used to optimise code)
  • SSL support in standard HTTP and MQTT connections.
Images show the built in feature to derive gravity formula and some screenshots from the user interface.

This looks promising I will have a look, maybe post in the ispindel thread.
Every 15 minutes is plenty for me and I get several weeks with this on normal ispindel software.
Just finished reading the documentation, what a great piece of work. I will be trying this on an ispindel when I get home.
Am I reading the information correctly I could get the gravmon to send to brewspy and brewfather at the same time?
Magnus really take my hat off to you a huge effort.
Just finished reading the documentation, what a great piece of work. I will be trying this on an ispindel when I get home.
Am I reading the information correctly I could get the gravmon to send to brewspy and brewfather at the same time?
Magnus really take my hat off to you a huge effort.
You can send to multiple endpoints when it wakes up, you have 2 x http post, 1 x http get, 1 mqtt and 1 influxdb to use (so in theory you can send to 5 endpoints). Keep in mind that multiple endpoints will require the device to be awake for a longer period and reduce the battery life. 2 endpoints would not make a huge difference since its the gyro read and wifi connection that takes most of the time. When you have used it for a while you can check what the average execution time is, for ideal performance it should be around 2-3 seconds.

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