matt76's Brewdays

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Thought i'd have one more before bed and watch match of the day, your porter.. it's not for me i'm afraid, as always it's a well made beer, looks great and mouthfeel/carb perfect but it's not for me, i'm sure some would love it but it's too sour for me. I've never liked anything with Brett in it so i'm not surprised. Thanks for sending, sorry! 👍
Thought your ipa was your best one yet, wacky aroma, bubblegum
A mate of mine last night said "weed" 🤣
Thought i'd have one more before bed and watch match of the day, your porter.. it's not for me i'm afraid
No worries dude. I'm staying positive and working on the basis that it just needs more time. Possibly quite a lot more time 🤣 Meanwhile, my latest normal Porter is conditioning - needs a few more weeks and then I'll get one to you, will be interesting to see how it is with the Fuller's yeast 👍
Blimey matt, did you put anything unusual in that porter, finings or anything, I've had a terrible allergic reaction in the night (not anaphylaxis), eyes are leaking/swollen, nose running, face red and itchy. 🤣
Blimey matt, did you put anything unusual in that porter, finings or anything, I've had a terrible allergic reaction in the night (not anaphylaxis), eyes are leaking/swollen, nose running, face red and itchy. 🤣
😱😱😱 OMG, I'm so sorry! 😱😱😱

To answer your question, no, not really, nothing unusual - I added 2.5ml NBS BrauSol finings to the 13L in the FV before transfer. I think it's just silicon dioxide, common fining agent and almost certainly been in some of the other beers you've had from me previously.

I had a few pints from the keg before I bottled the rest with no ill effects so hard to imagine what it could be.

Hope you're ok though 😟
Ha! Don't worry about it! I'm ok, just trying to rule out stuff, i've had reactions to beer before so i'm not surprised, just this ones been worse! I do often take an anti-histamine before having a few beers so not entirely unexpected, maybe my allergy is just getting worse! Noooooooooooooooo :oops:
Ha! Don't worry about it! I'm ok, just trying to rule out stuff, i've had reactions to beer before so i'm not surprised, just this ones been worse! I do often take an anti-histamine before having a few beers so not entirely unexpected, maybe my allergy is just getting worse! Noooooooooooooooo :oops:
Oh! I see now, I get it... You go making me all worried when actually the real issue is you just can't take your beer! 😜

(So says the man who regularly makes sub-4% beers. On purpose 😂)

In fairness it's probably my fault for using a vegan fining - had I used good wholesome gelatin made from the finest organic free range hand reared cow hooves you'd probably have been fine 🤣
Ha, well, I only asked because I only had your 3 beers last night, where as on thursday I had 2 of my own with little effect. So yes, just wondered if you used any unusual finings etc with your new fangled kegging system. 😉
Ha, well, I only asked because I only had your 3 beers last night, where as on thursday I had 2 of my own with little effect. So yes, just wondered if you used any unusual finings etc with your new fangled kegging system. 😉
Looking at my notes the Hoppy Amber Ale was also fined with the same amount of the same stuff. So if you'resensitive to it then, well, you've had a double dose.

Will stick to fining with pigs trotters and cow hooves in the future 👍😁
Update: AG#79 English Amber Ale

Well this is certainly interesting...


3 weeks now - three, count them, three - since pitching and it's still going! (bear in mind that A09 is supposed to ferment quick).

After a week it looked like it had finished, albeit a few points higher then expected. Having sat tight for two more weeks it's like every time it looks like it's just about finished it starts dropping down another point again!

(It's now down on the cusp of 1.012->1.011 which was the predicted FG)

It does make me wonder what's going on - whether it's really just the yeast taking it's time; or maybe a bit of hop creep (no dry hop but I did a whirlpool); or maybe a tiny bit of some other strain in the FV that's taken hold???

Looking closely at the graph it is slowing down, just very very gradually. My current thinking is let it settle out at 1.011 - the combination of getting it off the yeast cake, finings and cool temperatures in the keg should stop any further activity.
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Kegging: AG#79 English Amber Ale


Got a bit carried away with the hydrometer sample! I don't usually bother and just rely on the Tilt but since fermentation was rather different than expected I thought I'd check, though actually it's all as expected.

(Looks cloudy in the photo but that's mostly condensation, just a teeny bit of chill haze)

Apart from that, about 11L in the keg and added some gelatin finings. Hooked up to the low pressure gas at 15psi - it's currently on top of the fridge to warm condition next to the porter but I'm not sure it needs it so I might just bung it in.

OG = 1.038 (Tilt)
FG = 1.012 (Tilt)
Apparent Attenuation = 69%

ABV = 3.5%
SRM = 6.1
IBU = 35.8 (Rager)

Colour = Amber
Aroma = English hoppy - floral maybe.
Taste = Like a pale ale that's been fermented with an English ale strain and hopped with EKG! A bit of honey sweetness, I thought from the esters but looking at Hopslist it might be the EKG. Not overly in your face estery. Floral perhaps, maybe a bit of orange marmalade.
AG#80 Podium IPA

7th time (blimey!) brewing what I consider my house IPA (one of these days I might actually nail it!). A couple of changes from last time:

Last time out I changed the hopping - it was a good beer but didn't give me the big tangerine hit I'm looking for so this time I've gone back to the original hopping,

I've used the grist from my recent Get Even IPA. Same as that beer, I've reduced the strength of this one considerably from the first time I made it and I feel it needs a bit more than just base malt.

15L tap water, 17.5ml CRS, 3g gypsum, half a Campden tablet, giving:
Calcium 182
Chloride 121
Sulfate 260
Alkalinity 75

1000g Golden Promise
500g Vienna
250g Munich
250g Carapils
75g Victory Malt
2.075kg TOTAL

70min full-volume no-sparge mash @ 67degC

30min boil:
10g Simcoe 13.3% AAU 20mins
10g Amarillo 8.7% AAU 10mins
10g Citra 12.2% AAU 10mins
10g Simcoe 13.3% AAU 10mins
10g Amarillo 8.7% AAU 5mins
10g Citra 12.2% AAU 5mins
⅓ Britewort tablet 5mins

Dry hop at end of primary fermentation with 40g Amarillo and 20g Citra.

11L clear wort in the FV plus 1.5L crud which should net another litre or so once it's settled out.

Pitched ½ pack BRY-97. In the brew fridge set to 20degC.

SRM = 5.1 (pale)
IBU = 37.8 (Rager)
OG = 1.039
Expect it to end up about 1.009 and 4.0%.
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I might do something vaguely similar Matt, I don't have Victory but have Amber/Abbey or Biscuit, i'm thinking amber might be a good sub. Hops wise i've got El Dorado, Simcoe and Chinook, what do you reckon?

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