Beer infection - kit ruined?

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Mar 4, 2021
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Hi, quick Q. I noticed that my last brew was tasting sour/acidic last night when bottling. Never had this before, and reading around I'm putting this down to possible infection by Lactobacillus. Naturally a bit gutted as I was looking forward to the bitter! Anyway, main query is - do I need to think about throwing my FV? I was going to soak it in a strong solution of VWP, but just want to check if this bacteria is easily removed? For extra info...I always clean my FV well after use and sanitize using boiling water and no-rinse sanitiser before filling. I've been brewing outside for ages and cool relatively quickly using an immersion chiller. I don't open the FV once the yeast is pitched, however I did notice that I hadn't clipped the lid on tightly this time (don't think that made much difference). I'm putting this down to being unlucky, but any extra advice is welcome. Cheers. 🍻🍻
Someone mentioned pollen landing in the brew when brewing outside and causing off flavours, not saying it's definitely that tho
I've been pondering that, and there was a chance of something entering the brew whilst it was cooling. I just stripped out the tap from the FV and noticed that it's quite mucky....I think that's the culprit. Must have failed to clean the FV properly after previous brew and didn't spot the bit of gunk. New tap on the way (bleach and VWP can't get it clean), so hopefully brew tomorrow will be a good un. Going to blast all kit with bleach as well. 👍
Time of year I reckon: I occasionally get this and can never pin it down, but it always happens in summer so reckon it's air-borne. I'm meticulous with my cleaning regime and it still gets in. I haven't changed my FVs just used diluted bleach as suggested above.

I don't think there's a lot you can do other than not brew in summer, which I tend to do: I minimise brewing June/July/Aug for this very reason. Chances are your next brew will be fine, but if you get a run of infected brews then there is a problem somewhere.
Above is all good advice.

I personally use TFR (caustic truck wash). Whatever you decide to improve your routine cleaning... But this time you have an infection to clear. Strip it and go at it hard.
It does not need soaking. Strip & scrub. If you have a steamer that is best.

I did see someone invert a fermenter over a boiling pan, for some minutes.
I have several times seen said "clean" and then TFR gets even more sh1te off... Really.

Just thought. You never see a bottle of gin get an infection 🤔🤔.... That and my mate who works in vodka factories reports that is what then use to wash the bottles out.

I now leave my vessels with a splash of vodka in them. The perfect no rinse sanitiser.
Put another brew on this eve. Figured one culprit may be the overhanging trees near my brew area...high chance something got in during the cooling phase last time. Swapped location and 🤞. Probably last brew until Sept so hoping it's a good one - ended up doing a simple bitter....mmmm
I've introduced lactobacillus for a kettle sour, and was nervous about following brews, but was assured normal cleaning and sanitation of brew and fermentation vessels would be fine.

Seems to be the case, washing with warm home made PBW and rinsing in starsan before brewing worked ok...
I've introduced lactobacillus for a kettle sour, and was nervous about following brews, but was assured normal cleaning and sanitation of brew and fermentation vessels would be fine.

Seems to be the case, washing with warm home made PBW and rinsing in starsan before brewing worked ok...
Yeah. The key word there is "normal". Inadvertent infection suggests normal might not be hitting the mark.
Put another brew on this eve. Figured one culprit may be the overhanging trees near my brew area...
You never mentioned that before, could just be bird poop🤣🤣

Seriously I think you are spot on, ever thought of a popup gazebo.. Or a simple extractor fan and use the kitchen?

I found a snail in a brew.... B words were used.
You never mentioned that before, could just be bird poop🤣🤣

Seriously I think you are spot on, ever thought of a popup gazebo.. Or a simple extractor fan and use the kitchen?

I found a snail in a brew.... B words were used.
Def not bird poop....I hope I'd have noticed that floating in it 😂. Must have been snail desperate for a drink, or a warm soak? When I started brewing years ago some of my batches were only suitable to be used in slug traps 😂😂
I tried valiantly to drink as many as I could but they came out around 8% and I admitted defeat and took two dozen to the allotment where it’s been doing a fine job.

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