I`ve been wanting to get some alcoholic ginger beer on for a while - so as i was at a loose end today i brewed this (recipe from a previous forum thread with a few tweaks :twisted: )
Fiery Ginger Beer 5 gallons
1kg Fresh grated ginger
5tsp Dried ground ginger
1tsp Cream of tartar
2 lemons
2 limes
2.5kg Sugar
2tsp Yeast nutrient
1 sachet champagne yeast
Really quick and easy (and cheap) to do - ginger was donated so very cheap :party:
First i grated the ginger into a large pan
Then added the sliced and squeezed lemons and limes, cream of tartar and dried ginger - topped up with boiling water and simmered for 30mins (lovely smell :) )
Next i dissolved all the sugar in the ginger liquor and then put everything into the FV and topped up with cold water
The temp adjusted OG was 1045
Dry pitched the yeast......done :
Dependant on what it ferments out to it should be between 6 and 8%
Fiery Ginger Beer 5 gallons
1kg Fresh grated ginger
5tsp Dried ground ginger
1tsp Cream of tartar
2 lemons
2 limes
2.5kg Sugar
2tsp Yeast nutrient
1 sachet champagne yeast
Really quick and easy (and cheap) to do - ginger was donated so very cheap :party:
First i grated the ginger into a large pan
Then added the sliced and squeezed lemons and limes, cream of tartar and dried ginger - topped up with boiling water and simmered for 30mins (lovely smell :) )
Next i dissolved all the sugar in the ginger liquor and then put everything into the FV and topped up with cold water
The temp adjusted OG was 1045
Dry pitched the yeast......done :
Dependant on what it ferments out to it should be between 6 and 8%